Thursday 3 October 2024

Well that went quickly -

 - this week, I mean.  We were away celebrating a grandson's fourth birthday  which was a real treat.  You can tell from the photo that he enjoyed it, too!

I did manage to get some work done in the mini collage journal ( know you'll recognize this first one from last week, with what I expect to be the final tweeks).

I also manage to make a colossal mess of one of my tables when I cut, and cut, and cut more circles.

I did manage to get a start on the floral collage in that travel signature from last week, though, and the table did finally get sorted (into another mess, of course!).

And somewhere along the way I played with some new Sharpie pens and finished another grandson's birthday painting.

I did not, however, do any major testing on that wacko toilet roll holder thingy from last week, so that's an excitement-yet-to-come for you all.  🤣  May your week have been filled with a host of fun creativity; I look forward to stopping by to see your results!!


  1. You are so lucky to have such gorgeous granchildren. he looks like a real sweetie. Thank you for your kind words. Your table doesn't look messy to me just full of gorgeous pieces ready to make even more beautiful art. Love the card too. look forward to seeing what you do with the toilet roll holder! Wishing you a very happy and creative week. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. My grandchildren are a blessing to the max, and there's nothing better than playing with them!

      I, too, am looking forward to whatever craziness happens with that toilet paper! :D

  2. Well isn't this just a fun post. A very handsome grandson, some wonderful, lovely flowers and a darling dog and butterfly. You are such a clever lady.
    Now I am waiting for your "Toilet roll holder thingy"??? oh the suspense.
    We took time this week to run up one of our canyons to enjoy the colors of Autumn. They were fabulous. Hope you are enjoying the fall season too.
    Have a wonderful October Win, sending you hugs and best wishes from me.

    1. Many thanks, Deann, and truly, that suspense is killing me, too. 🤣

      And yes, we're really enjoying the wonderful autumnal weather - it's been just terrific so far. Sending all the best to you and yours, as your explore your beautiful surroundings. xo

  3. What a delight to be able to spend time with your grandchildren. They are so blessed to receive unique art pieces from you. Of course I recognise Bluey - who in Australia wouldn't?
    And what a joy to see all those circles. It makes the heart glad. Your additions to the blue page are perfect :)

    1. It was pure delight, Tracy, and I just knew you'd know that Bluey right away. ;-)

      Thanks for the comment on the blue piece; I was quite happy with the result, and the colour combo thrills me!

  4. What a charming little son he is! Happy, smiling and so so pretty.
    The blue page looks great with the golden yellow. Bravo!
    And, between you and me, I don't think your table is a big mess...
    You should take a look at some of the workshops I know :D
    As for your beautiful circles, I'm struck by the freshness and beauty of your idea, which is really brilliant!
    You often celebrate birthdays, that's great isn't it?
    Party time, party time, happiness!
    Have a good time dear friend.
    (And a BIG thank you a lot for your so sweet and always clever comments).

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Sim, and for taking the time to comment so beautifully. Our little grandson is pure delight and such a perfect combination of his lovely parents! 🤩 And yes, in our family, we celebrate life as much as possible - the more celebrations, the greater happiness! 💗


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