...blew another gasket this week, on the left elbow this time.
I am not a fast mender by any means and with embroidery involved, it'll be a while before I can wear this again.
I was amused to see that the tear area hit some of the same colour tones as did the abstract piece I'm working on right now, and with the same feeling of delight - HA! Never mind, by the time it's mended it will be a lot more colourful.
Learning new methods is a true challenge, and my painting skills are beyond rusty and well into the realm of 'What-in Heaven's-Name-is-She-Doing?'. I'd love to be channeling dear
Alice Saltiel these days, whose facility with a paint brush knew no bounds.
As it is, I'm finding bits and pieces of this painting that have potential down the road.
Notes to self while brushing up on painting skills:
- it may help to use open acrylics for their longer drying time
- wet, sloppy washes to start are great fun
- no matter what, it's all play, AND
- I can always paint over it all. 😉
Hope you've had a playful week, with a good mix of exciting exploration and that feeling of being extraordinarily capable. Catch me up in your comments!