Thursday 10 October 2024

It's cooling down here...

in British Columbia, Canada, which means more time in the studio, of course.  And it's a hodge-podge on one of the tables.  I can actually see four books-in-progress on this half of the table alone.  You'll note the toilet paper roll thingy is just above that riotous canvas piece.  It was not nearly the success it was meant to be, although there are parts of the painty blue and pink twists and turns on that canvas.

One of the books received some black ink work on the fabric cover with the next step to include addition of beads on those trailing elastics.

The floral signature in process received some more flowers and decorative pen work this week;  goodness knows what else will add to the fun.

A highlight of the week was a Saturday morning playtime with Eileen and Laura.  Eileen brought a project for us (just in case we got bored 🤣); she'd been making tassels for an upcoming market giveaway, so we got to make some too.  Eileen had cut a large amount of her wonderful hand-dyed fabric into strips, so there was ammunition aplenty.

My first attempt included an over-inked stamped word, so I kept that one for myself and made a couple more to add to the box for Eileen.  It was great fun, and has me giving the side-eye to a pile of fabric that I keep handy in the studio for goodness-knows-what. 

Laura and Eileen were so fast with the technique that they had the box near-full when I was on my third one!

The photo above, if you can believe it, is of the same canvas piece that is in the first photo.  It makes me wonder how many layers are on there, and how many more can I add?  With this week near finished, I'm thinking I can get three more layers on it before the weekend.  Maybe? 🤔

Happy week to you all - I'll pop over and check out your week when this is ready to go!  


  1. The tassel making was a fun easy project to do in a group.

    1. It was a blast, and if I had a wiggly-piggly rotary cutter, I'd be a mad woman in the studio. 🤣

  2. Win, You work so differently then I do.. I very seldom have more than one art project going at a time. You my dear are a master juggler.
    I love your work room and all your friends. I also have a question, what do they use the tassels for???
    Happy week to you and best wishes from me.
    Big Hugs, Deann

    1. Not sure about the master part, Deann, given that some of those projects are months (years?) in the making. 🤔

      Great question about the tassels, Deann. Eileen did a market last year and a chance remark by a vendor next door (who felt sorry for all the children towed around by their parents during the market who were bored to the max) made her realize she could brighten those little lives by having a giveway just for them. Hence the encouraging tassels were created.

      Wishing you all the best this week, Deann, and truly, Win

  3. Pleased you had a good time. Love the tassel it's a great idea. Happy crafting xXx

    1. It's always so much fun to share the studio, and those tassels were great fun to create, Angela!!

  4. What a lovely feast of creativity you've had this week, Win. I love the drama of that black elastic against the orange cover. And I can't look at those tassels for too long because I, too, have a pile of 'bits' of fabric in the cupboard and I mustn't be distracted from the to-do list :)

    1. That made me laugh out loud, Tracy, as I sure know the feeling of being distracted by what-looks-like-fun when we have a whole pile of projects-that-should-be-finished. Heaven help us both! 🤣

  5. Oh là là, it's so obvious that you're having so much fun making all these creations that it's a feast for our eyes! Knots, flowers and pompoms, it's all really great! Have a wonderful creative time in your workshop of happiness, dear friend. Kisses from me across the Atlantic and Canada to you (maybe it would be shorter the other way, hahaha!).

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Sim, and your lovely comment. Now I'll have to figure out the distance both ways. 🤣

    2. Just for fun, I looked it up, and the difference is HUGE!
      We're 7,907 km apart.
      But in the other direction it's 17,142 km!
      It's incredible isn't it, my idea was totally absurd, hahaha!
      Have a good weekend my friend.

    3. I'm laughing hysterically, Sim - you beat me to it! 🤣😂😅


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