Friday 25 October 2024

Flying time...

...seems to be the theme this fall, and this week was jam-packed.  Accordingly, I didn't manage to get much done in the studio.

I did some scratching back in the wildly coloured canvas

and took another look at the head to see where it was going.  (Essentially, I think I was trying to look inside my own head. 🤔)

With some 30+ Christmas cards on the go and in various states of completion, there was some activity on that table.

And because I had a yen to play with coloured pens, I started another spread in the floral signature that's been in the works for ages.  Incidently, do you have a preference for paint pens?  I use Posca pens, and just recently purchased some of the new Sharpie paint pens.  While both have advantages, I'm still looking for the perfect one.  Suggestions????

And holy smokes - did I hit paydirt at the gym this morning?  Their wristband for the day is a hot pink, and I was drooling the whole time I was working out.  I'm sure I can find a place for it in the collage journal (that is also still in progress).  Isn't it a fabulous colour?!!!  I'm trying to determine whether I have enough energy to go and do another workout just to score another.  😉

Fingers crossed that your week has been one of accomplishment and wild creativity, and do let me know about your favourite paint pens, please!!  


  1. Well, that's the aim of the game, I've finally figured it out, you do it by scratching, it's great, the covered colours reappear. It's great to follow your creative process! The textures are interesting and there's the joy of discovery.
    I'm a bit puzzled by the head too, you can't tell whether it's orange or lemon, and it's strange, a bit like an alien face. The great thing is that you can recognise a face!
    I congratulate you on starting your beautiful Christmas cards now, it seems like every year there are more and more of them, krkrkr!
    As for the paint pens, I couldn't tell you anything as I don't use them. Sorry about that...
    I like the flowers on the purple background, but my heart goes out to the last page, it's really beautiful and touches me a lot, I couldn't tell you why, but, well, I love it.
    As for the neon pink bracelet, neon colours aren't usually my cup of tea, but I'm sure you'll do wonders with it, as usual.
    I'm sorry if my images really scared you, I admit I hesitated to post them, I admit they're a bit provocative. I was surprised myself.

    Have a great week, creative and sporty and all that.
    Hugs and kisses from my little corner.

    1. It's always such a delight to hear from you, Sim (and to see your awesome work, terrifying or not! ;-) ).

      True, the additions to the Christmas card list seem to grow - rather like coat hangers in the closet!

      Yes, I love that last collage, too, even without the popilicious pink on it.

      Sending you Happy Halloween thoughts, my friend! xo

  2. The new Sharpie paint pens are lovely but I am not sure what to do with them.

    1. I find they don't cover as well as I expected, but a second layer helps. They're fun for working on painted surfaces, rather like the Posca pens in that regard. The advantage over Posca is that they require no shaking to prime them!

  3. This looks like it was a wonderful week, Win.

  4. Ha ha! Love that you kept your wristband from the gym. We artists are like magpies for all those luscious bits of colour that crop up in our lives, aren't we? And I'm sure that the inside of my head looks exactly like the one in your artwork, but those blobs would be moving, like in a lava lamp.

    1. Lava Lamp Head - I love it, Tracy, and how very apt! 🤣

  5. No one can visit you and not know you are a colour mad lady Lol! Love it. Sounds like you're doing well with the Christmas cards too. I've kept trying to do some but still not really commited to the job and need to seriously get on with it. One minute it's September and the next it's November which means it will soon be time to get them sent out, where does the time go! Have a great weekend. Hugs |angedla xxx

    1. I'm definitely with you on the passage of time. It boggles my mind that I'm no longer in my teens, never mind getting Christmas cards made in my 70's! Heaven help us all. 🤣 And the card on your blog is outstanding, so I'm excited to see more of them. Hope that spurs you on to the seasonal rush. ;-)


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