Thursday, 30 November 2023

It's not true...

...that Covid has gone on forever, but it certainly feels that way.  My introversion has been so strong over the past three years that it took a lot of thought before I could convince myself to host an open studio for those in our neighbourhood.

With the stage set, 

the mulled cider and goodies ready to go,

the corners mostly tidied,

and the Lunacy Gown on display,

it was looking pretty spiffy.  Even the (definitely unfinished) 3' x 4' panel was on view, mostly because it's awkward to move very far.

There were signatures out for guests to peruse, 

small and large paintings to see,

and something unique in every corner.

I'd say it was a success from most viewpoints,

and it was definitely a pleasure to see so many friends and neighbours enjoy the craziness that goes on in this household.  

I have a story to share for you next week about two of the pieces because one of my neighbours strongly recommended it's one for the general public.  😉  

In the meantime, have a fabulous week, and remember that Christmas is just over three weeks away.  Yikes!!  

Thursday, 23 November 2023

It's been a week...

 ...all things considered.  Between beating a cold off with a stick, mind-numbing forms to complete, appointments up to the rafters and general life, it's been a challenge to get into the studio.  I did, however, manage to throw some colour in several different directions at the experimental 16 x 20 canvas.

It'll be very interesting to see where this will go!

I do love how the Golden High Flow acrylics seep into all the's fascinating to watch, 

and just as much fun to see the dried paint.

I moved my paint shirt to the couch where I am taunted by it daily (The Procrastination Bug has had me by the neck for months on this one).

I liked this part of the above photo so much I had to show it to you up close.

At any rate, by picking away at it a little bit each day, I've managed to fortify this shoulder

in three different directions

and get a start on the second shoulder.  Given the massive number of thread-bare parts of this shirt, I estimate it will be done sometime around December of 2039 - if it hangs together that long! 

Meanwhile, the 3' x 4' painting awaits a drastic 'something' after the latest foray - more about that next week if it's fit for show and tell.  

Thursday, 16 November 2023

There's been more...

 ...colour play in the studio this week.  I made some tags using some of the strips of eye-bleeding catching colour from last week

and did some more colour testing just for fun.  This is Golden Manganese blue hue open acrylic, Golden Hansa yellow fluid acrylic, and Daler Rowney Flame Red ink and I now I have another favourite combo.

Since I was just smooshing the colours with a palette knife, there was no intent to create a design, but closer inspection revealed some likely areas that would make a good abstract. 

The same type of experiment was done over a canvas that had already been splashed with magenta, Hansa and another UFO yellow (likely Quinacridone Gold).  I used Golden Turquoise, Teal and Permanent Violet Dark fluid paints, and Holbein Luminous Opera.  And I am in LOVE with the latter!!

There are some fabulous sections on this canvas,

and I can see playing a whole lot more with this combo.

I also managed to do my November art prompt (suggested by a conversation with art friends).  Using a wide range of grey-to-black alcohol markers, I covered some watercolour paper with scribbles.

The intent was to create with only black to white,

but naturally I couldn't help but add an overabundance of red which looked rather disastrous, I thought.

As always, though, I had fun with the experiment, and the addition of Posca Pen grey in selected areas created some possibilities for next time.  I love art prompts for the unexpected directions they can move one into, and this was no exception.

What have you been up to this week?  I look forward to checking out your creative meanderings.  Happy middle of November to you all!

Thursday, 9 November 2023

Isn't playing with colour . . .

. . . just the best thing ever for an artist?  This was a test swatch (a colour comparison with photo #6 below), and I still love the way it looks.

Even the papers I used to smoosh look amazing - all three of them.

I think the hot pink is delicious,

and the way it mixes with the yellow makes a fabulous orange.

Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.  Those heavy body acrylics just made my day.

The next test was with high flow acrylics by Golden, and I think it would look pretty amazing on a highly textured canvas.  Once those inks start flowing they are mesmerizing - I should have taken a video.

And I've got a stack of Christmas cards ready to add the inserts so that the overseas ones can head out later this week.  Whew!  It can be done when I get the lead out of the procrastination bunny.

The 16 x 20 has had some more texture added, and I hope to start of the colour in the next week, as well as getting back to the 3' x 4'.  Here's to much more playtime to come!

Was your week as much fun?  I sure hope so, and I'm looking forward to catching up with you on your blogs!  Happy November to you all!

Thursday, 2 November 2023

Did you have . . .

 . . . a spooky week in your neighbourhood?  I'm fond of Halloween just for the sugar high of the kidlets and their gleeful joy in their costumes.    And, of course, it's always an opportunity to dress up for the fun of it, too.  This year, I put together a costume for a Garden Fairy from studio odds and sods, and John filched a mask and upgraded it to a Grandaddy Warlock costume.

I have a priceless photo of Grandson Owen, who is undoubtedly the most joyous Spiderman ever!  

Unfortunately, the other grandchildren are photoless due to a surgery on Oct. 31.  How untimely is that?!  Luckily, his sibling at least got to trick or treat throughout the hospital so she managed a little sweeting.  

The weather cooperated very well, with temperatures reaching 6 degrees that day.

Of course, play in the studio kept pace with the energy outdoors.  I made progress on both the Christmas cards and ornaments for the grandkids.

I managed a small amount of work on the 3x4,

and started some over-painting a 16 x 20.  

The piece was crying out for more texture,

and between a string bag, glass beads, 

and crackle, I think there's a good start already. 

How about you - were you dressing up, sneaking childrens' candy, and/or playing in the studio?  Hope it was fun, regardless!  

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