Wednesday, 31 May 2023

A busy week...

 ...and another to come means there has been just a bit of progress in the studio.

Additional areas of paint have been added to the 3' x 4' panel.

And I'm already enjoying the contrast of texture and colour.

The fabulous quote I found last week by Arundhati Roy has been scripted in to add its energy to the mix.  No doubt the bulk of it will be covered by subsequent layers, but the power, strength and spirit of it will remain and intensify.

I'm loving these ovals created by a well-used abused paint brush.

As you can see, there's a long way to go - it's clear this may not be finished in time to hang in the patio this summer.  ;-) 

Meanwhile, the birthday girl's painting is finished for this year, and is ready for gifting in mid-June.  Now I can start on the grandsons' paintings, both of whom have birthdays coming up in the fall.  Surely that won't arrive as fast as I expect, will it?!!!

This coming week we're off for a few days over the mountain passes to visit family, so I'll 'see' you after the upcoming weekend.  In the meantime, happy tail-end-of-spring-moving-into-summer!  


  1. Sometimes it's just good to take your time with a project after all there's no rush. I hope you have a lovely time away it's always good to meet up with family. Sending hugs Angela xxx

    1. I'm feeling quite relaxed about the whole process, and very much enjoyed the family time, so bonus on all levels!

  2. I'm loving your process on the board. I'm used to finishing a picture in a few hours a day or two at the most. I get fanatical and can't leave it alone until it's done.
    Your birthday card is adorable. I bet your Grandkids just love them. What an awesome Grandma.
    Best wishes from here for a beautiful week. Hugs, Deann

    1. There are definitely plusses to working digitally, and I do understand how you'd be 'nose to the grindstone' to complete each piece - no waiting for the paint to dry either. :D
      The kids do enjoy their yearly paintings on their birthdays, and are happy to have their own 'painting wall'. It will be a fun thing to see their favourite shows and characters as they age.
      Happy week, dear friend - see you on the other side. xoxo

  3. Enjoy your time over the mountains. I'm sure your little grand-daughter will love her painting - so fun :) And it's fun to see the new marks appearing on your panel. Even if some of them end up covered up, they all contribute to the final masterpiece.

    1. We had a lovely time, Tracy, even if I did bring yet another cold back home with me. It's really wonderful to take a break from the normal and get away - and it gives the muse a chance to think, too! :D


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