Thursday, 2 May 2019

I'm doing double...

...time to get another mini snail mail book done.  This one has a floral theme - I think the giveaway on that may be the front of the book.

Garden Snail Mail mini book 

The book is 2 3/4" square by 1/4" deep, 

and sports a series of Canadian postage stamps in the floral theme.

The jury is still out on whether there will be any text added to the visual story.

What's your take on that?

Created from cutoffs of old file folders,

salvaged postage stamps

and dryer sheets, it's definitely Trash to Treasure.

And if you're in Creston, BC this coming week, check out the Trash to Treasure show starting Monday, and the Trashion Show on Monday evening.  Both are going to be outstanding!

How do YOU turn trash into treasure - would love to hear about it in the comments below!


  1. Wow what a great burst of colour that book is! See you at the Trashion Show - can't wait to see your creation!

    1. I've got my colour piggery in full swing, Val. :D Looking forward to seeing you and your shirt at the Trashion Show!

  2. This is just gorgeous an absolute beauty. The flowery front is perfect and more of those fab stamps too which is making me think I should get out my collection and do something with them instead of having them hidden away in boxes. Happy creative week, angela xXx

    1. Thanks, Angela - I'm going to be watching for your snail mail artwork...coming soon?! ;-)

  3. I love, love the big flower on the front of the book ! I love it all actually ! Very creative. I have a big stash of postage stamps and struggle to use them... thanks for the ideas !
    Corrie xx

    1. Thanks, Corrie - that flower is made from painted dryer sheets, as is the cover (glued to a paper strip). I'll be watching for your cancelled stamp creations!! xo

  4. I just love the little treasures you create out of "trash" you are unbelievable.
    I put my pens, pencils and scissors in old cheese spread crocks. I make egg carton caterpillars for my grandkids and any number of things out of paper plates, and I can make dolls out of pantyhose and fabric scrapes and Halloween skeletons out of milk jugs...I'm a really sick
    Have a wonderful Trashion Show my friend I can hardly wait to see your dress...Hugs.

    1. Many thanks, Deann - don't you just love creating things out of trash?! I certainly do, and I love all your ideas. I'd say we're both pretty sick. :D I'll definitely be posting Trashion Show photos next week, so see you then! xo

  5. I love this booklet- amazing color and all the lovely detail! Unique and that show - wow - would be totally up my alley!
    You know I often try to turn trash into!
    Happy weekend Win!

    Susi xxx

    1. I swear, we're going to have to get you moved to Canada, Susi - specifically to Creston, BC. So much here would be right up your alley. Happy weekend - hugs, Win

  6. Sweet book, Win, starting with the ever-so-cheerful color palette! I have been seen pulling containers out of the kitchen garbage can, then later seen painting them up to organize sonething in my moving art studio! My favorite was a Pringles (chip) can which I covered with designer paper on which I had painted and stamped!

    1. Thanks, Kay, and what a great idea for the Pringles can...I'll have to see if I can score one or two (I don't keep them in the house because I'd be goggling up every one). I have also painted and papered containers (the Melita #2 coffee filters box is just the perfect size for storing tags in), and love how they look!

  7. Loving those dryer sheet flowers. Can't wait to see the dress in all its glory alongside all the other wonderful things I'm sure will have been made for the trashion show.
    I have been know to turn egg cartons into handmade paper when the weather allows. Old clothes are also turned into book covers. I particularly like doing that with denim as you can utilise the pockets in fun ways.

    1. Oh I love the idea of using denim for book covers - what a great one that is! There's an artist in Kimberley (nearby) who does some amazing things with thrift store clothes, and she makes market bags from denim - totally awesome, especially for the pockets!!

  8. What a neat book!! I do love that you have found such specific purpose for those cast off folders! Good on you Win!!

    Hoping spring has arrived for you and life is good!
    love & hugs xx

    1. Ah, thanks, Jackie - with the number of cast-off folder strips, I could be making these mini books until 2030! :D Spring came late, and this week it seems we're zooming into summer. The orchards are blooming beautifully and there is glorious colour everywhere. Happy spring to you, my friend - xoxox


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