Thursday, 16 May 2019

Trashion is a fabulous thing...

...and I thought you might like to see more of the pieces from the Trashion Show last week.  Since some of them are on display at the Chamber of Commerce, we trekked down in the rain this morning to take some photos.  Aren't they awesome?!!!

This steampunk outfit by Tracy Floer is outstanding...I couldn't stop looking at all the ways she'd reused 'trash'!

 The dress woven from plastic bags is truly glamorous,

 and the colours in the sash are just so rich.

 I love that it came complete with dancing slippers!

Maureen Cameron's Filter Fantasy features a host of coffee filters stained naturally.

 I'm loving the epaulettes!

 And isn't the floral hat delicious?!

 It's another dazzling outfit, most certainly.

Since we were away visiting family for Mother's Day, my studio was pretty quiet.  That's something I hope to remedy this next week.  In the meantime, I hope you had a fabulous Mother's Day yourself, and that your creative juices are flowing!  


  1. These are just amazing thank you so much for sharing. so much talent and effort it's inspiring. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day I hope it made all your Mom efforts A shout out to my sons and their families who always go the extra mile to show me I am loved and appreciated. Have a wonderful art week Win. Hugs from me.

    1. Aren't they just, Deann? Such talented and out-of-the-box artists here in Creston! Mother's Day was lovely; it was a treat to have everyone in one spot, and to watch the my kids! Glad to hear that yours was awesome as well; sounds like your boys and families were raised right. :D

  2. Masterpieces of recycling art! Really inspiring! Thank you so much, Win, for sharing the photos. Kisses!

    1. You are most welcome, Mia - it was such a fabulous show, and so many truly creative designs!

  3. Loving your post today but above all the Steampunk outfit is amazing and I love every bit of it. Have a great weekend my friend and thanks for sharing these brilliant works of art. Hugs, Angela xxx

    1. I'm with you on that one, Angela - that steampunk outfit is truly the best I've seen in that genre. The list of items (all recycled) that went into it was beyond amazing!

  4. Wow! I soooo love that steampunk outfit. The accessories are amazing! Steampunk is on my costume "to make" list this year. Thanks for sharing these photos!

    1. I'm with you on that, Sal...I LOVE steampunk, and this is just an outstanding outfit. I'll be watching for yours; I can well imagine!!!

  5. Oh my gosh! Gorgeous! But your design was out of this world for me! You did a wonderful job ---- simply AMAZING!
    Have a great weekend my friend!
    You are a wonderful artsist! ♥♥♥

    1. Thanks, Susi - you are just the best! xo I am truly agog at all the talented artists in this area, and they really went all out for the Trashion Show!

  6. Just fabulous! I love steampunk, so I think that's my favourite. Goodness, the streets of Creston must be pristine with all this trash being upcycled into beauty.

    1. I'm with you on both counts, Tracy - the steampunk outfit is just amazing, and I was delighted to see it at the Chamber Show as well, since I wanted a much closer look. And our streets ARE pristine, given the crazy amount of recycling that has gone on! ;-)

  7. Thanks for your ongoing sharing with us all..I second the congratulations on the diversity of outfits....and your drier sheet outfit an outstanding vision and effort! Judging by comments I overheard at the event, that you may have inspired some of the youth to consider what is possible with 'wearable art'...You certainly are a muse for me as I consider creative options and risk imagining possibilities...just because.

    1. So kind of you to say so - and it's lovely to hear that some of the youngsters (and that word alone dates me, doesn't it?) were inspired by the gown. And I love it that you are pushing the envelope of your mo-mentous creativity! <3

  8. So much creativity! The altered umbrella is such a good idea - I just threw away an old umbrella duh!

    1. Isn't that always the way, Zsuzsa? The moment you chuck something, you'll see an urgent need for it!!! We're all nuts, we mixed media peeps, I'd say! ;-P

  9. Fabulous works of art ! Thanks for sharing, my friend!
    Corrie x

    1. Thanks, Corrie - they're just amazing, aren't they? So impressed with our local artists!


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