Thursday, 9 May 2024

It's so green. . .

. . . in the valley right now it's little wonder my tables were covered in it this past week.

Working in the inspiration book in these tones was great fun especially as it's not a range I use that often.

Even John got into the act as he chopped chives until even his brain felt green.

And how could I resist pouring the next colour, turquoise, from its scrap bag?  I'm itching to get started on this!

And no, I'm not skipping ahead in the book on this colour combination.  I've actually started on the birthday painting for granddaughter Chloe, who turns four in June.  

I'll leave you guessing what this painting will entail.  😁

In the meantime, happy, wildly, giddy creative week to you.  Do catch me up in your comments as I head over to check things out!!   


  1. Hi Win, I would like to be into green too. if the weather would make up it's mind. Saturday I sat in 80 degree sunshine and watch my grandson's lacrosse game. Sunday there was 4 inches of snow on my lawn. And so it goes on and on. This week it's freezing on Monday, roasting on Sunday.
    I love your inspiration books I can't wait to see what words you add. The one with the big red dot is my personal favorite. It sings to me.
    And now CHIVES the bane of my As a plant I adore them, the cute little things. It's their sneaky habit of spreading themselves all through my flower garden. So every year before they go to seed I have to hack off their tops which make them look weird. But they get even by creeping sideways underground.
    I don't know what you have planned for Chloe's birthday picture but judging from all the stars it's going to be magical...can't wait to see.
    Wishing you a beautiful warm Spring. Good health, Happiness and the best of everything. Big Hugs from here, Deann

    1. Oh, good heavens! Your 'spring' weather sounds more like it belongs on another planet. May the weather gods send it there, too!!!

      I'm loving the red-dot green, too, and can hear its song as loudly as can you, I'll bet!

      Are you sure you're NOT on another planet...those chives sound totally alien to me. She sideways creeping sounds definitely weird! :D

      Sending you health, happiness, and especially the best of this world's weather right back to you...hugs, Win

  2. Our weather's been all over the place too. It was so warm today that I had to put the fan on in the cabin. Loving your inspiration journal, it's a great way to use up all those bits and pieces of left over card and paper. Need to get back to my collage journal and have a play soon. Look forward to seeing how your painting turns out and thanks for the lovely coments over at mine. Sending hugs Angela xXx

    1. The whole weather world has gone nuts, I'd say!

      And do let us see your collage play - so fun to see all that creativity!

  3. More glorious colour and texture to revel in on your blog this week, Win. Your rainbow book is just getting better and better.
    Our side of the planet is greening up, too. Winter is coming so the weather cools and the grass starts to grow again :)

    1. Thank you! I'm so much enjoying playing with this small journal after working for nearly a year on a 3' x 4' panel!

      Your 'grass getting greener' made me smile, Tracy. Funny to think that due to the oh-so-different climates, we're greening at the same time!


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