...and purge continues. This week I've been ironing documents (and there's a phrase I never expected to use). A small suitcase, well over a hundred years old, turned out to be full of scrunched up/rolled up/creased and abused documents from my maternal grandparents, both born in the 1880's. My grandmother's birth certificate, some of which is written in Gaelic, shows her born October 13, 1886, in Clontonacally, district of Ballylesson, county Down, Ireland. The document measures 7 1/4" x 16 1/4" in size, a fair bit bigger than the wallet size ones I have.
I was amused to find two copies of my grandfather Anderson's baptism certificate, and I'm sure there's a story behind that. Did his mother request one that was legible after receiving the first scratched-out one? I've love to know what happened there.
I found a photo of my maternal great-grandmother, Eliza Jane Maxwell, and she looks a right matriarch, doesn't she?
It makes me laugh to look at this since I can see a similarity between her and a recent 4 a.m. gag photo I took for my kids (entitled Bedhead with Family).
Can it really be true that the family genetics are that strong??!!
With all the sorting and ironing, I had little time this week for studio play, apart from sporadic working on a piece of scrap that had a watercolour technique start. Given I know next to nothing about watercolour, that was pretty much a fail, but the followup has been fun.
And surely I'll get back to the creative side of the studio soon...I just have to clear all these pieces of memory first! Hope your week has been fun-filled and warm with the light of inspiration.