Thursday, 26 October 2023

Holy screaming...

...yellow!  We'll all be glad the 3 x 4 is not staying like this for long.  🤣

I promise it will get toned down once the rest of this layer is added.  It really creates a contrast, though, doesn't it?

I've been slowly working on addition all across the board,

and eventually I'll get to the point where I can continue with a full layer of all-over colour.

I've got some Typar place markers to indicate some of the large areas that will be dealt with, so progress is being made, if only in my mind.

It was fun this week to enjoy a morning with Eileen and Laura as we played together in the studio.  Funny how we were all working on organics.

I got a good couple of hours in on Christmas cards - I'm sure it's hard to tell what this year's theme is from the photo.  😉

And the grandchildrens' ornaments will take shape this week, now that they are gessoed for play.

 All in all, it's been a fun studio week - how about yours?

Thursday, 19 October 2023

While perhaps not...

...the most productive week in the studio, it has been an interesting one in my creative mind.  I watched a video called Powers of Ten which set my mind racing.

Taking some time to photograph things around the house, I put the concept to the test, and came up with these series of photos.  Each series of three is a zoom-in to a specific area, and the third would make an interesting abstract in my opinion.

If I were a painter of realism, I'd love to paint this one of my Grandfather's cane hanging from the Bentwood rack.

And further cropping would make this a fun abstract to do.

A pile of embroidery-work-to-be-done has few possibilities in any direction.

However, it gets more interesting as one moves in though.

And I'm loving the abstracted possibilities here!

I did manage to get an 14" x 11" painting done for my eldest grandson's birthday, so that will get off in the mail this week, one hopes.

And he even gets a card to colour to go along with it because colouring is a favourite thing of his.

My visionary mind is on over-stimulation now, so I hope it spurs me back to the 3 x 4, or something just as much fun.

May your week have been filled with the thrill of creative revelations from the muse, and may they spring effortlessly into reality!

Thursday, 12 October 2023

As the stacks...

... pile higher on the studio tables

 and the actual work is minimal,

I confess to playing more hooky than I did as a child.  Truthfully, the valley is so stunning in its range of colour that I can hardly bear to be inside.

As I bask in the splendour of autumn, I wonder how and when that birthday painting will get done for the near-six-year-old, and if Christmas cards will be finished by the elves -  or at all.  

Procrastination rules in the Creston valley this week.  How's it going in your part of the world?

Thursday, 5 October 2023

Rules are really not my thing...

 ...when it comes to art, so I usually don't get too far when I work with art prompts before they're all out the window.  The art prompt for October was to use neon green, bright turquoise and tangerine to create a painting.  The initial three layers of colour were fun, 

but of course, I wouldn't stop there.  The additions of pen and ink

were pretty much a requirement as I worked my way 

through three different sizes. And then the yellow 'accidently happened' to hide the too-bright-white background.

The addition of white dots, 

and more fine-line black and then dots gives me something to build on.  Wonder where it will all go?  Me, too!

We took a bit of time out to add some punch to the front patio with some fall colours as well.

A start on the second birthday painting of the fall was a good thing - it's due within the next month. No photos yet, but perhaps next week.

And we delivered the September three-year old's painting.  His mom really likes it, although Owen was having so much fun opening his presents that he immediately went for the depths of the bag to see what else there was. I so enjoy the enthusiasm of the young.  🤣

I certainly hope your week was as much fun as mine, and your weather as stellar!  And if your Thanksgiving is coming up, as Canada's is in the next week, may you be aware of every bit of your life that gives you love, joy and light.
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