Thursday, 31 August 2023

The heat may be waning...

 ...outdoors, but it's still heating up the studio.  I'm auditioning some papers for another Arcturus painting,

and I've finished a floral playtime in my journal.  It looks a lot different from the start of last week, doesn't it?

I had intended to leave it like the photo below, but saw that it needed just one more flower at the top right - strange what a difference one element can make, right?

The birthday boy's painting is coming along - it's even sporting his name now.

Meanwhile the large painting languishes against the wall until I can hoist it back onto a table and tear into it again.

How's your week been going?  Are you losing your summer heat?  If true, it means you're not on the other side of the planet, where you'll be warming up.  I'm looking forward to the autumn colours, and sweater weather.  


  1. Win my friend I have a question...what is an Arcturus painting???
    Everything I see is bright and beautiful. You are right about adding one more flower, it's all about visual balance and color balance, something you know very well. I love your lettering on Owen.
    And I love Autumn but it's still in the 90's here so I'm waiting....
    Have a wonderful September Win, Hugs & best wishes from here.

    1. Arcturus is the brightest star in the northern constellation of Bootes. For some obscure reason I've been drawn to it since I was a child, and my artistic career has been dotted throughout with Arcturus creations from journal pages to paintings to wild and woolly book creations. You can find some of them by using the search bar and entering 'Arcturus' on the right side of my blog.

      I have to admit that the Owen lettering came from a sticker sheet, but I sure like it!

      Sorry to hear that you are still in the 90's there...may it cool for you soon! May your autumn come soon, and fill your world with colourful delight. Sending you all the best right back! xo

  2. Wow! Win that's a lot of colour, love it. We've been away for a few days this week and I'm looking forward to September as we always seem to have some nice weather once the children are back at school but I can't complain as we've had nice days away. Have a good weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Agreed, Angela - my colour piggery took over again this week! 🤣 May your September be as anticipated - lovely weather and children safely wrapped up in their schoolwork! ;-) Sending hugs right back to you, my friend.

  3. Wow! Those colours are zingy - love them! That hot pink is astonishing, and I love the yellow in the first one. It brings in such light. Enjoy your cooling. We're in for a hot dry summer, apparently, so I'm stocking up on SPF 50 sunscreen and dusting off my floppy hat...

    1. I'm loving that hot pink, too, Tracy - it's a Winsor & Newton Galeria (student quality) paint called Opera Rose. Now I'm looking for a high quality paint to match it so I can really go to town. 🤣

      Here's to sunscreen and floppy hats for summer...and may it be fire free this year, my friend. Hugs to you and yours!


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