Thursday, 23 March 2023

The stacks are getting higher...

...and it's very colourful in here.  One of the large tables is covered with works in progress that require 'something other than paint'.

Another table is massed with bottles, tubes and pots of paint, along with works that are crying out for new applications.

The middle table is a catch-all for projects that await decisions, cutting, or inspiration.

I've got a journal signature in progress somewhere (it will go in the traveller's journal) that has a start of colour on the spreads ranging from turquoise to hot pink to red and a green 'sludge' paint gifted from a friend.

With sixteen spreads in the signature, it's going to be colourful to the max, even before I start adding Posca pens, ink and whatever else comes to hand when I'm out 'in the wilds' sketching with friends.

One of the larger pieces in the works has some interesting sections,

that have me wondering how many layers

are really on there? 

The whole looks like a dog's 3-day old brekkie,

but I'm determined to keep adding to it until I reach a cohesive whole.  It's possible it will weigh 20 pounds by then.  😖😉🤣

How's your week been going?  I hope that in your part of the world spring is peeking out from every corner, the days are warming up and Mother Nature is starting to sing.  


  1. Hi Win. My eyes are popping at all this gorgeous art work, very inspiring. It looks like you've had a good week. It was warming up here in Lincoln UK but noe we're getting lots of wind which is even worse further North. Take care my friend and keep up the good work. Hugs, Angela xXx

  2. Just popped back as I'd written the first comment before I saw all the other lovely messages. You make my day Win, thanks xXx

  3. Of course I like the ‘whole’. I see a bird peaking out from the left side!
    The warm temperatures have me reaching for the bright colours in my paint box.

    1. That's funny - I didn't spot that bird until you mentioned it. Maybe there's hope for the painting yet. :D One can hardly resist the bright colours as we anticipate spring and summer. Plein air here we come!

  4. Thanks, Angela - that high compliments from one who inspires me every week. Like you, we are having a very up and down spring, and that makes getting over the high passes a real challenge. We do need the snow and rain, though, so we'll take it all with reasonably good grace. :D May those winds abate soon, and spring make it's final ta-da! appearance.

  5. I'm in envy over your tables, Win. If only I had that much space, but then I'd have proportionately more mess, too 🤣 Thank you for the brilliant dose of colour, as usual.

    1. Oh, the mess is always astronomical...the more space, the more chaos. It can take a long time to clean up when the feeling hits. The space was initially set up so I could have classes in here, but Covid put a stop to that. Now I just get crazy on my own. :D

  6. Win you wild and ever busy lady. After looking at your first five photos I remembered why I do digital art, no muss no fuss no piles of stuff. But I have to admit the last four pictures almost changes my mind they are so beautiful to look at and awesome.....but nah. Hugs a bunch and best wishes a plenty.

    1. That made me laugh out loud, Deann! There are many times (when the studio needs a good sorting) when I'd agree with you, but I'd likely miss the mess. :D


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