Thursday 7 April 2022

Goodness knows... was time for a clean up in the studio, but I didn't expect to get wrapped up like this.

It happened when I tore off the badly abused butcher paper protected one of the tables.  I decided to play with it, throwing drips and slabs of pigmented self-levelling gel in red and blue.  The red had dried a good deal, hence the globby look.

I added some foil since I'd not played with that for a while, and then tore into it with Inktense pencils, knowing full well that the polymer of the gel would resist a good deal of it.  The results were truly fascinating, and I can see using these for tag backgrounds.

I got so distracted that I never got to clearing the other table at all, and now it's covered in hearts, journals, Inktense and butcher paper that needs more work.  Does this ever end?  Apparently not.

I've spent a good deal of time this week stitching on those dryer sheet curtains, and the more I do, 

the more there is to be done.  I haven't even started on the loops to hang then yet either.

And cows - did I mention I want to do some cows?  Watch this space, 'cause goodness knows what will happen next!


  1. You made the butcher paper a masterpiece, Win! Perfect for backgrounds for tags. Really love this idea. And, as I see, your stitched curtains are already beautiful! Hugs, my friend.

    1. Thanks, Mia - really, is there anything more fun than tearing into colour with more colour? Sending hugs to Greece for you!

  2. Those curtains will be amazing. Talk about upcycling!

    1. Thanks, Eileen - they are certainly taking a whole lot longer than I expected (and I expected it to be a lengthy project, based on the first set of curtains! 😃)

  3. Ha ha I watch with bated breath... I'm not sure but I think you might be your own worst enemy. The table protector pictures are lovely though so rock on. I'm hanging in there for those curtains, they are looking very fun. Wishing you a warmer Spring, and all that is good in life. Hugs

    1. I agree, Deann - I AM my own worst enemy. Every time I make the attempt to do something about the state of the studio or the high-piling supplies, I seem to double and mess and the piles thereof! Perhaps that's my whole mission in life. Sending big hugs and wishes for a warm and wonder-full spring for you and yours. xo

  4. I'm always ready to watch your space, you never know what might happen next! Doesn't this always happen when you are supposed to be having a tidying session and you get distracted and the fun starts again, well I guess there's always another day to start the studio clean up Lol! Have a lovely creative weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Isn't that the truth with both of us, happens so rarely that it's just a figment of the imagination in my case. Someday...... 😁 Happy week, my friend - hugs, Win

  5. Win, you are amazing, managing to turn cleaning up into a creative project. I love the fact that the paper didn't even make it off the table before you were tearing into it with the art materials :) Play on, my friend!
    And so looking forward to seeing those curtains when they are done.

    1. It's a crazy world in this studio, and is it ever going to get cleaned? Perhaps not, but the fun is endless. And I, too, am looking forward - hugely - to seeing those curtains finished. I'm thinking maybe September if all goes well. 🤪

  6. Oh là là là! I can't believe my eyes, you manage to do wonders with everything you find my word!
    Maybe in the end it will never end, after all? Anyway, that's not what matters the most, is it? The main thing is that you experiment, that you flourish and that you realize yourself in life, right?
    I, too, can't wait to see your finished beautiful curtain too.
    I wish you a great spring for you and those you love.

    1. I'm not sure about the wonders, Sim, but the fun certainly is endless. So what one loves is truly a recipe for a happy life, methinks! And right back at you and your family for a light-filled spring! xo

  7. Fabulous and colourful ! Love it. Also great progress with your dryer sheets ! Corrie xoxo

    1. Thanks, Corrie...the dryer sheet project is becoming the marathon to end all marathons. 🤪 May be done in 2025?

  8. What wonderful free play, Win! I should do more of this as well. The dryer sheet project is really unique and I'm so looking forward to those cows. Thanks so much for your visit, I really appreciate your support - sorry it took me this long to return. Have a lovely week! xx

    1. Thanks for stopping by, know I'm sending you all the light and energy you deserve, my friend. May your world be bright and happy this week. xo

  9. Only you can take a mess and turn it into something interesting and always colorful.
    Those curtains are coming along nicely!

    1. Thanks, Laura - given that experimentation and colour are my favourite things, I suspect there will be more of this in my future, unless I find something else to do with the butcher paper, which is always a possibility! And here's to the curtains being done sometime in this century. 😄


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