... months before the pandemic started I was approached by Ruth Bieber, a local blind dramatist and artist, to assist her with a project. She was eager to create a body of conceptual acrylic works in vibrant colours, and asked me, along with two other artists (Marnie Temple and Lisa Benschop), to help her with the plan. She had painted before, eagerly followed the progress of other blind artists, and was passionate about painting. And so, a collaboration began that I could never have imagined.
You can see here that Ruth is a woman of vision and determination. In spite of the countless issues surrounding her, she's managed to create a body of work (some 22+ pieces) amidst one of the most difficult times in the history of the world; her show officially opens here on Saturday.
You can find other posts about Ruth's work in this blog by keying her name in the search bar on the right. Suffice to say that the works are uniquely hers, driven by her concepts, utilizing colours she has chosen, and as much as possible, done with her own hands.
The working process was filmed by local Mark Wolfe of Westword Communications; you can view it here. It's a fascinating video that goes deeply into Ruth's process and concepts around what she calls 'blind art'.
I know that many of you will be unable to view the show in person even as it tours, so I'm providing some photos that have not been shown here before. All her works are textural to the max; just imagine your hands running slowly over the hills and valleys to get the full effect, and then do it again with your eyes closed.
'Undercurrents' Ruth Bieber ' 18" x 36" 2021 |
'Desert Storm' Ruth Bieber 20" x 16" on canvas 2021 |
'Found a Feather' Ruth Bieber 20" x 16" on canvas 2021 |
'Playtime' Ruth Bieber 32" x 30" 2015 & 2021 |
'Red' Ruth Bieber 16" x 12" 2021 |
'Blues' Ruth Bieber 16" x 12" 2020-2021 |
I am excited to see the show, Beyond the Horizon, at the
Tilted Brick Gallery on Saturday, knowing the dedication, passion and love for colour that Ruth has brought to this venture. She is an amazing woman, and an ascending star in the world of blind art. Many congratulations, Ruth!