hodgepodge is a jumble, and that word certainly fits the week prior to Thanksgiving 2021. From painting to book-making to baking and more, it was a celebration of creativity.
I managed to get a painting done for my oldest grandson in celebration of his upcoming fourth birthday. Autistic, he is fascinated by patterns and organization; since that fits my creative bent this painting was conceived and executed.
I'm pretty sure he's going to enjoy the patterning, but have my doubts about the screaming stab-your-eyes-out colour.
Truly, though, I just could not stop myself; I'm almost hoping he'll hate it so it will come back to Grandma. 😆
I also grappled with a double accordion book, which would have been better served had I done two or three prototypes instead of the mini one I showed you a couple of weeks ago. A miscount of the pages had me scrambling to redesign the book in mid production, so it's now a prototype for yet another one to tackle.
The book is designed to read in the round, and I added an additional fillip so it could be read from the up and down direction as well.
I'll enjoy tackling this particular design again, I know!
Meanwhile, John is moving into a corner of the studio, and has been sanding my easel to use for a paper tole project he has in mind. We were mesmerized by the contrast in the sanded versus unsanded areas. Apparently I am a very messy painter. 😉
In my defense, that's some thirty five years of accumulation on there. Really, it's much less than it should be, right?!
All of this topped off by a visit from family - all three grandchildren in the same living room, playing to their hearts' content, while the adults visited, cooked and stuffed faces. What could be better? We were grateful indeed. May your Thanksgiving weekend (if you were celebrating) have been as filled with joy and love.