Thursday, 22 April 2021

I'm such a slow...

 ...learner sometimes that it leaves me laughing hysterically.  This week I've been attempting to create one of the simplest of folding books, and I made so many mistakes on the way to this 'finally-folded-very-badly-mess' that I can't help but laugh.

It's truly a relatively simple fold, and makes a tidy little book.  This one is 3" x 3" finished.

It would have been helpful if I'd actually used double-sided paper, given that I had to gel print that oh-so-white side after I'd cut all the pieces.

And because I can't seem to stop anything once I get started, this is the longest dragon I've ever seen in the wild.

Of course the studio is in chaos with hardly any place for the poor thing to stretch out so she can fly.

The brown signature is still in progress,

as are the 17 mini books, many of which are now at the ugly stage.  You know how exciting that is!

So all in all, it's been an entertaining week.  How about you?  


  1. My goodness, you are sssoooooo prolific! Hope the dragon works out.

    1. Thanks's amazing what the pandemic can do for productivity if one can just manage to ride the mental ups and downs. :D Have a great week, my friend...

  2. I'm pretty hopeless at following instructions as well, Win! I just get on with it and see what happens. That is a mighty long dragon book - I wonder what you're going to put in it? And 17 mini books? My word, that's a lot! All looking fabulous! Thanks for your visit and Happy Spring to you too! Hope you get lots of sunshine over the weekend! xx

    1. It cracks me up that, when I'm such a visual learner, I can't manage to read a simple set of directions and actually follow them. :D Here's to learning! I do agree about just getting on with it, and if I like the results I just keep repeating until it becomes second nature. Although, with the dragon, I'm not too sure about that... :D

  3. Smiling lots! wish I could have seen you having fun with the dragon book Hee! Hee! still it looks good now. Your desk looks full of interest today too. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. It so silly in this studio sometimes that I'm embarrassed to be having so much fun on my own. Good thing I can laugh at myself! :D xo

  4. Hahaha! You made me laugh out loud Win!
    Your dragon is fa-bu-lous!! :D
    I can imagine how much you enjoy your studio when I see your unlimited creativity.
    So, keep on creating and enjoying my friend, and share your talent with us.
    It's a pure joy and a great pleasure.

    1. Thanks, Sim - you of all people know what creating for the fun of it is all about. Cheers, and thanks for stopping by in the midst of your own creative whirlwind. xo

  5. Oh, that ugly stage - don't we all know *that* one! You'll pull something beautiful out of it, you know you will.
    Love the folded book. Have you ever tried the method where you do a folded book out of one large sheet of paper cut in a spiral? Those are fun :)

    1. I tried that spiral book (called a secret message book in the instructions) last week and it near drove me mad. :D It may never happen again, Tracy! :D

    2. Ah, I hadn't realised a secret message book was the same thing. I did a triangular one that opens out in several ways and looks like your dragon.

    3. And that's probably the same one as the dragon, Tracy, given that it's the triangle fold that creates the square...a rose by any other name, right?!

  6. I perfectly understand you, Win. I am not good in following instructions. But I do know an easy way to make a mini book, so I will send you an email. Kisses, my friend.

  7. Half the fun is in the learning, isn't it Mia? I've done dozens of mini books from all sorts of tutorials, and learn something new each time.

    1. Oh yes, Win. I feel exactly the same. Hope you received the email I sent you.

    2. I did, thanks Mia, and have just responded. Happy week!


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