Thursday, 15 April 2021

Books, books and more books...

Because I'm bent on learning so many new styles, this week alone I have crafted a flag book, a secret message book, and a folded pocket book among others.  The flag book is a style I'd not tried before, and it was on my must-do list.  

When closed, it's a tidy 4 1/4" x 2 1/4", small enough to fit into a tiny purse.

I'm liking the look of that 'mapping' on the back of the book.  The pages and covers are pieces of the paper towel collage I did some time ago.

I also did a secret message book, and if you are like me, spatially challenged, this is a sure way to drive yourself right into loony-tunesville.  It is a meandering book for no discernible reason that I can understand.  Does that sound like I'd never make another?  Pretty much!  😖 😵😣

I can't begin to tell you what it took for me to get this sorted, and I have to admit that I actually glued a couple of pages together when I realized that I'd missed them in the middle.  Grrrrrrr.

I was delighted to get the inking done, and did a mini happy dance to be finished, when I found (right near the beginning) two pages I'd missed entirely.  

Here's what I did with them, as I cursed underneath my breath, hissing like a snake.  I guess this is the secret message.

Suffice to say, it might be a decade or two before I try one of these again...or maybe never.  

I also got started on an folded envelope style book which requires no gluing.  It's interesting in that it takes a 35" long piece of paper to create a book that is basically 4" square.  I've not finished the signature or fun inserts yet, so I'll keep you posted on that.

The collection has been growing and I'm a bit concerned.  I did a quick check around the studio yesterday, and found these.  

Now granted, these are not all from this year, but I am a bit worried about the mania/addiction/obsession.  It appears to be turning quickly into a neurosis, given that over the past few years I have sold and gifted some dozens of them in various forms.  Somebody, please send help.


  1. Reading about your 'adventures' with the secret message book had me laughing out loud. Those pesky missed pages!
    I do have to admit that I have a drawer in my filing cabinet with a whole bunch of small books as I've worked my way through different styles. Jacob's Ladders are fun, but I wouldn't recommend one so close to doing the secret message book - it might have you tearing your hair out ;)

  2. I can honestly say that it drove me near mad, Tracy. Of course, now that it's 'done', I figured out a way to help my spatially-declined brain. I may have to try it again. :D And for heaven's sake, keep reminding me that attempting a Jacob's Ladder book is a bad, bad, BAD idea.

  3. Help? From me? Nooooo!!! I am not the right person, as I have this mania-addiction-obsession with handmade books too! Your collection is growing, yes, but it is soooooo lovely, so you should be proud of it! Hugs, my friend.

    1. Now I guess we're just going to have to get deeper into this together, but then who will dig us out? :D

  4. Well bravo to you, for all your creativity, talent and ingenuity your ambition amazes me. That last picture blows me away. I Love, love, love all of your books except possibly the Secret Message Book, I am on far too much medication to look at that too I was swaying back and forth.
    Thank you for all you sweet comments on my blog this morning they were lovely. I find myself in a very poetic and reflective mood lately, it must be the combined effects of pain pills, antibiotics, CoVid shots and medical mouthwash. I might never be sick
    Take care of you my friend you are one of the best. Hugs

    1. Thanks, Deann, and I'm definitely with you on that secret message's one to give me nightmares.

      Haven't you had a week of it with all the medication?! We, too, have had our Covid shots in the last week, and join you in the medication overdose. Hope you're feeling better so you can continue to light up my life with your creativity! xo

  5. Somebody would have to send me help first Lol! but I'm sure there are worse addictions and we are you know! truly addicted to all of this. I actually think that those difficult moments that cause the cursing and hissing keeps the brain active. I know mistakes can be infuriating but it's just paper and card in the end. I'm sure that anyone who received one of your little books would be more than happy. Take care and I look forward to your next project. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Definitely addicted, to making books, to mixed media, to colour, texture and creativity! And I love it that these little test books can pave the way, easily and without much cost, to a newer, better version. Or at least one can hope. :D Happy week, Ang, and creativity to the max as I can hardly wait to see what you do after that last masterpiece!!

  6. You don't need help, Win! Being obsessed with art is a good thing! I always think it's an innocent outlet for people with addictive personalities (including myself). Instead of being on drugs, or consuming too much alcohol, or gambling, or doing something destructive with our lives - we create! Nothing wrong with that - when our mojo is in overdrive, we should celebrate! Wonderful little books and I can definitely see the appeal in making them! xx

    1. You are bang on, Zsuzsa - I know that if I weren't addicted to creativity, I'd be getting into much more difficulty with other much more dangerous's to celebrating our mojo!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks, Eileen - it's great practice to work on these small books with the calligraphy - not much loss if I mess it up! :D

  8. Wonderful art books Win. I am smiling, strike that....chuckling at the "secret book" adventures.

    1. Most definitely an adventure, Laura, and one I'm not certain I'd repeat. Around and around and around. :D

  9. I love all your books, ingenious, creative and which bring balm to the heart.
    I particularly like the accordion one, but the tricky one with the twisted calligraphy, and the envelope-shaped one also appealed to me. ALL are very beautiful!
    I don't think you need any help my friend. I wish you to continue your addiction (which is one of the best there is) with always as much happiness and fantasy, for our great pleasure (what a selfish person I am)
    Take care of yourself. Hugs.

    1. Sim, you are always so beautifully complementary about my work I am humbled. It truly brings a shining spot to my week with such feedback. Sending many thanks, and much appreciation for your presence here. Hugs, Win


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