Thursday, 7 May 2020

What with one thing and another....'s been a rather artless week.  It has been tremendous, nonetheless, given that spring has been peeking out from all sorts of places this last while.

From magnolia blossoms (above) to daffodils and tulips, it's pure delight.

Our walks are filled with orchard glory,

 forsythia punch,

 and Oregon Grape potentiality.  (I may have to make some of that jam this year).

The scent of the trees near knocks one over,

and there is grace and beauty everywhere.

The pansies nod happily

and there are clear signs that others care for our safety.  We are living in a beautiful world, aren't we?

May your area be showing signs of beauty and solidarity as well, while we wait for the end of this pandemic.  In the meantime, tell me how and what you've been doing; I'd love to hear in your comments below.  


  1. God is gracious. Thank you for sharing these uplifting photos, Winn!

    1. Yes, indeed, Kay - we are fortunate to be experiencing a beautiful spring, regardless of the most unusual circumstances and times!

  2. Nature, although often cruel, is so beautiful and generous.
    Thank you for these great photos that put balm in the heart.
    Nature makes fun of our vicissitudes and leads its life.
    It must be said every day that it will soon end.
    Stay well in the Winn shelter.

    1. As always, Sim, you're bang on. Mother Nature will keep on keeping on, whether or not we humans manage to climb out way out of this mess we've made. And thank goodness for that!

  3. Hi Win, thanks for the lovely comments over at mine. Your walks look to be filled with beauty. Keep smiling nd keep safe. Big hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I love the area we're living in, Angela, and in many ways it reminds me of parts of England. As always, we're blissful in spring, and grateful for the beauty!

  4. There is beauty everywhere! It all looks so clean and tidy. Our garden is 'wild'. It has been neglected for a long time so is taking a while to bring back in hand. I'm not much of a gardener but I have some raised beds in amongst the chaos and pulled the first radish this week. Pond digging has resumed now that it has emptied from its winter filling (finally). Life goes on.

    1. There are fewer wild gardens in our area this year, it seems, as I think people are spending more time in their yards. It does take ages to bring a garden back, and I applaud your work given you (like me) are not much of a gardener. I love it that Mother Earth continues merrily along, cleaning and spreading growth, regardless of us humans!

  5. Your pictures are lovely thank you for sharing them. Flowers are so wonderful, cheerful pops of color that inspire joy everywhere they show up, I think it's because they are such a hopeful things.
    My Spring garden is mostly a story of flowering trees and a few patches of tulips, but my Fall garden is a fireworks show. In my Mother's Day card that I will post tomorrow, is a picture of the flowers that grow up around my house, I look forward to them every year because every year they are different.
    Have a wonderful week my friend like my flowers I can't wait to see what bunches of happiness you come up with next week.

    1. Aren't flowers just the best, Deann? They are such pure delight and always remind me of Ralph Waldo Emerson's quote 'the earth laughs in flowers'. Because we live in such a wonderful growing zone, our spring is pure heaven no matter where one looks.

      I hope we get a chance to see your fall fireworks show, even months after your Mother's Day card. The fall scenery is particularly lovely here as well, especially with all the maples.

      Here's to a fabulous week and the balm of a healing world. xo


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