Thursday, 21 May 2020

Creativity in a pandemic...

...has somehow come to mean that the condo has become an extension of the studio.  There are piles of projects from one end of the place to the other, and John is concerned that eventually we'll have no place to live.

The dining room table sports a long-term butterfly project,

the coffee table in the living room is wearing a bit of fabric that requires some outrageous colour,

and the bedroom bureau has an even longer-term embroidery project that has been languishing for a couple of months (well, maybe more).

Naturally the studio is chock-a-block full, as well, with nearly a full table of paper in the process of being transformed.  It is, after a number of layers, starting to look interesting.  I wonder what the final colour scheme will be...

Another of the tables has an on-going art journal that sees some use nearly every day as I clean my brayers.  Please - don't judge me by the number of wine labels you see on this spread...I'm sure it took weeks to empty those bottles.  😋😋😋

There are piles of 'things' all over the studio, including some rec centre wristbands from the pre-Covid gym sessions (oh how I miss that gym!).

Another stash bemuses me with the things that 'might come in handy someday'.  Really, Win?  REALLY?

 The walls are covered - with tools from hand-cut stencils

 to shelves of paints and projects in various stages, and much, much more.

As I look around the condo at all the colour and texture and pattern and play opportunities, I wonder how in the world one could exist in this time without the joy of an active imagination and sense of playfulness.

I'm hoping that you're in the throes of your own creative bent; I'd love to hear what you're doing.  Feel free to add links in your comments below!    


  1. That butterfly project is intriguing. Love the colours.

    Doesn't everyone have projects on the go all over the house? 😊Those people who don't have creative hobbies must be clawing the walls by now. I have knitting - a wrap and a cardigan in the process plus another cardigan ready to be sewn together - and crochet (a lap blanket) plus numerous art journals in process, and the 100 days project, too. Then there's the baking and chocolate making. Who has time for anything else?

    1. I'm so with you, Tracy, although my fingers refuse to learn how to knit and crochet. As for the baking, it's also pushing out the corners - in the condo and in our bodies. :D And writing to friends takes a good deal of time, as well as the ongoing volunteer work as well (although that's not, perhaps, as creative as I'd like to be). It's a grand life when one can stay in place and play, play, play.

  2. Hi Win, nice of you to stop by. I was quite shocked when I found just how many postage stamps I actually have. I remember being at a country show somewhere and a charity were selling them and I bought a few and I always take them off envelopes at Christmas, I noticed there is a packet that is from WH Smiths which is a Newsagents and book shop but don't remember buying them so must have had them ages. There are far more than you saw on my desk so I sorted some into Christmas stamps, a set of blue ones and then lots of foreign ones as I thought they looked extra special and have themes on them that might be the start of a project so we'll see. Now as for your home well it looks perfectly normal to me Lol! and I love it. The amount of projects on the go, well that's just how our brains work. I often find that when I start a project my head goes into over-ride and I think of something else and if I don't at least make a start on it I might forget the thought so I move to a space...I'm kidding myself of course....I make a sideways push! to create just enough room to start the new thought and so it goes on but I know you will understand. Take care my friend and craft on! Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I'm excited to see what you do with all those stamps. Like you, I sort mine into themes and turn them into mini books.

      I agree with you about running from one project to another, and confess that I have a stand of paintings in progress that are back to numbering more than I'd like. Sideways push is a great way to refer to what I call my short attention span. :D Happy weekend, Angela! Hugs, Win

  3. Unfortunately my mojo has almost disappeared, probably because of the Coronavirus situation. So my creative life is pretty much in hold. Just doing the required DT work at the moment and hoping that we can get back to normal soon. Stay well, my friend.

    1. It is a hard thing to be on the downward 'rest' period of creativity, isn't it? I count myself lucky that you do have your Design Team posts on the go, because it means I still get my Corrie fix each week. Keep well, and watch for peeks of the muse - I know she's out there for you somewhere. xo

  4. Lovely evidence of your creative projects scattered around the place, Win. I know all too well about those bits and pieces that might come in handy one day - I got rid of a load of stuff a few months ago when I ruthlessly decluttered my craft room - and you know what - I miss them now! I have a tendency of just using whatever is within reach (I have looking for stuff) but having thrown everything out (or put away, I can remember) I feel desperate when I need "something" but there's nothing within sight LOL. That should teach me a lesson! Love your collection of wrist bands! We're so lucky that we have this passion to fill the void of everyday existence, aren't we? I don't know how I survived my 20s and 30s without it! Happy creating and hope the toilet paper supplies will be restored in Canada too! We seem to have loads of it here now - I guess people who stockpiled still have plenty for years to come, so we're back to normal consumer behaviour now. Thanks for your visit earlier xx

    1. I, too, did a purge of all the crazy little bits when we moved into the condo a couple of years ago. Much of it went to my students, and were it possible to use my magic wand, I pull the occasional piece back!

      And yes, I do feel fortunate that creativity is my bent; for the first few weeks of the pandemic I was pretty sure that the muse had left me permanently, but thank goodness, she's on the return. So here's to toilet paper returning in bulk so I can try your technique. Big hugs, my friend! xo

  5. I have been very good and confined my crafting to the shed. I seem to have a thing for tags during lock down and have made over 40 tag journal pages between card making projects. So cool to see all the projects you have on the go Win.

    1. Tags are such a great series project, aren't they. I love it for the smallish format and their oh-so-many-uses! And the same goes for cards...I'll just have to pop over and see what you've been up to, Sarah!

  6. Wow - so many things to do in your place. I only have a few projects on the go as I have been busy with my gardens and flowers although with in the last few days, art has had more of a chance due to the rain. BTW Are you interested in buying some rice paper (very much like the mulberry we used during your classes)? I have a roll 38 in. x 32 ft. that I will never use and would like to sell - let me know - thanks

    1. Your garden area most certainly keeps you busy (never mind photographing all the fabulous animals that come to visit), but I'm glad that you're now getting some time to play in the studio, Val. Do PM me with the cost of the rice paper, and I'll let you know!

  7. I have a lot of project to do, Win, and I perfectly understand what happens to your craft room. My room definitely needs to be organized! Hugs, my friend.

    1. It's funny, I'm very organized in other parts of my life, Mia, but somehow organization of my creative spaces is a rare thing. Maybe next lifetime! :D

  8. All this seems very attractive; it's great to have room to let your imagination run free.
    Bravo for all these projects, I can't wait to see what you're going to put together, I know it will be superb.

    1. I am, at the least, certain that I shall never be bored, Sim. And that's just the best part of being a creative, isn't it?!!! Happy weekend, my friend!

  9. Aah Win thou hast prodded me in a tender spot...There is an art decco cedar chest in the garage that is mostly sanded and ready for stain except for the miserable tiny dips and trim that need to be sanded by hand. there is the Victrola that I inherited with a missing play arm. I wanted to do a Steampunk machine but I chickened out...I need to suck it up. All my large houseplant need to be re-potted but they will have to wait a bit for warmer weather, so I can do it outside. Ever try to get a 30 pound 5 foot Snake Plant out of it's pot...ugh. Enough whining onward and upward.
    I can see your work is already cut out for Hang in there and have a great and productive week.

    Cyber Hugs and best wishes,

    1. Oh I feel MUCH better now, Deann...and anticipatory to see that cedar chest findihs, and the Victorla Steampunkery, and, and, and. :D As for the snake plant, I think you're gonna need some major help with that one!

      Onwards and upwards indeed, my wonderfully creative friend. xo


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