Thursday, 4 April 2019

Stitch, stitch, stitch...

...and paint, paint, paint.  It's a colourful space in the house these days.

There are partially finished projects everywhere.

And when I'm supposed to be nose to the grindstone to finish them, I get distracted by leaf patterns and spend waaaaaay too much time taking photos of them.

Truly, I do want to get this dress finished so I can go play outside since the weather is warming up back to the stitch, stitch, stitch!

How about you - what's happening in your corner of the world?


  1. Who wouldn't be distracted by the leaves? They're lovely - unlike the very wet ones we have here with all the April showers.

    1. Our outdoor leaves a a wee bit soggy, too, although that's a good thing for we've had a relatively dry winter. The croton leaves, although they're dying, are just so incredibly beautiful that I couldn't help but take some shots!

  2. I am doing exactly the same, Win. I start painting, painting, painting, and then I have to finish my creations! I will love to see the dress when you finish it. But until then, enjoy the nice weather and take a lot of photos. The leaves are amazing! Kisses, my friend.

    1. Thanks, Mia - the dress will absolutely be posted when is quite the project, I must say. There's a reason I call it the Lunacy Gown! :D

  3. Hi Win. I absolutely understand the distraction problem, it happens to me all the time. You can't see them but my dining room table has loads of projects just waiting to be completed. Every time I get distracted by something else I've been putting the half made project on there as I dare not put it in the box.....well actually there's no room in there because there are more projects that have probably been in there for years waiting to be completed Lol! maybe one day xXx

    1. I'm glad to know I'm not alone - my studio looks wild and woolly, and I've got a student coming tomorrow for the morning - better get cleaning! All those piles and piles of projects in various states of dishabille! Happy weekend, my friend!! xo

  4. I can't wait for the weather to warm up but I'll still spend lots of time in my craft room. Looks like you'll have to as well, to finish your dress ! I can't wait to see it finished !
    Corrie xx

    1. It's warming nicely here, so there is hope, I think Corrie! And yes, in order to finish, I'll be doing major studio time on the Lunacy Gown...great fun. I'm really appreciating the process of embroidery, and have to laugh at myself as I turn into my mother. :D

  5. You always seem to have so many things going on, Win and they are mostly all so colourful. But, back to work girl - you only have until May 6!

    1. Working, working, working, Val - definitely on it! :D

  6. A*M*A*Z*I*N*G !!! Wishing you much fun with all the art and creativity Win! Happy weekend!
    Big hugs, Susi

    1. Thanks, Susi - hope yours is a fabulous weekend too, and that it includes a ton of creative play! xo

  7. Well, worthy distractions all...I know just what you mean though, my mind wanders and I follow, we travel in circle dabbling at this and poking at that and at the end of the day we have accomplish a whole lot of nothing.
    At least your distractions are beautiful. Wander on my friend and love what you do because I do.

    1. Absolutely correct, Deann - it is a world of wonders and we artists tend to follow every one (and then wonder why there is such a huge stack of unfinished projects!). It's all about following our noses, finding beauty and loving what we do! xo

    2. I'm looking forward to seeing the completed dress. I know it will fabulous!

    3. I'm so enjoying the process of embroidering around all these rectangles that I'm thinking I'll have to start an embroidery project when I'm finish this. I have visions of the old fashioned samplers that young women used to do to practice and display their talents, and have to smile at the thought. :D

  8. Not far to go now - you've created some gorgeous patterns with those colourful sheets - just seen your previous post. Can't wait to see the dress!

    1. You're right,'s definitely getting there! And I've a new-found love of embroidering dryer sheets, and there's a strange comment to be making. :D

  9. How fun! Wait, it is always fun at your house Win!!
    Wherever are you finding those leaves already? We are still waiting for spring to arrive here!
    Glad to see your muse continues! huge hugs,xoxo

    1. Definitely fun here, Jackie, except for the croton plant that went into transplant shock and started dropping its skirts, poor thing. The leaves were so beautiful, however, that I couldn't help doing some photographing and gel printing (previous post)! :D


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