Thursday, 6 February 2025

Winter studio play...

...seems to come with a lot of snowflakes in this house.

I'm currently working on a card that features snowflakes, and have finished one as well.

This was for John's 81st birthday this past week.

I added another layer to the experimental canvas - only dozens more to go, I expect.  🤣

I also started some cards, knowing I go through several dozen a year, and my starts were getting pretty low.

I took some photos of some of the hand-crafted papers, given they were one of a kind.

And if that's not a colour-full week, I don't know what might be.  Hope your week was the same as we head into the second month of the new year!  


  1. Wow, so much going on in your studio. A whirlwind of colors. I love it ❤️ Gwen

    1. Thanks, Gwen - colour play is truly the best way to keep sane through the grey winter months, don't you think?!!

  2. Your blog lights up a dull day, so much colour. Thanks for asking too, I'm getting there and just starting to feel a bit like my old self but it's been one of those cold where I think I'm better and then it seems to start up again.
    Wishing you a happy creative week. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. I sure hope you get rid of that darn thing, and for good, must be the same bug that's making the rounds here - over and over again. May you week rev up with colour and creativity!! x

  3. Win I just adore your snowflakes and that heart one is wonderful. Perfect for Valentines. And all your beautiful papers, I may just have to borrow a few for backgrounds, after your kindly offer. I hope your keeping warm up there all the best wishes and hugs from here my friend. Deann

    1. I love that heart-cut snowflake; it's one I adjusted from a video found somewhere on the net. And borrow away - I included the alcohol ink ones especially for you. Same to you on the wishes for keeping warm and a zoom back to you on the hugs, too! xo

  4. Loving those colourful papers, and your experiments with alcohol inks especially. Happy belated birthday to John. Keep posting the snowflakes - we need them here as we go through the heatwave that is February !

    1. I'll see if I can come up with some more snowflakes for you, Tracy - I can definitely understand how you'd love the thought of them as you swelter in your summer! Sending cooling thoughts, my friend...❄️☃️⛷️🍧

  5. Wow, all this work thanks to the bad weather!
    I'm in awe of the amount of wonder you can produce!
    And it's true that it's hard to brighten up grey weather with more colours than you do, dear friend.
    Your cards look magnificent!
    Keep up the good work, you make our days better!

    1. Truly, I'd be quite happy messing about with creating colourful backgrounds from one end of the day to the other! :D

      Thanks for the cards kudos - I love having some starts on hand.

      And that's a great thing to tell me, Sim, about making days better for others, given that I was just thinking about those who do that for me. Sending massive hugs, my friend! xo


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