Thursday, 22 June 2023

It's been great fun.... the studio this week, with more to come.  Good friend Meg Nicks has been here from Canmore and she's a tearaway with a paintbrush!

She's started half a dozen canvasses, 

stained some papers, 

and started a plastic wrap canvas to boot.  I can hardly wait for her to pull the plastic off as it's one of my favourite techniques and Meg is experimenting with heavy body acrylics on it.

 Meanwhile I did some more work on the 3 x 4 panel,

and it's starting to look much livelier.

We've got two more days together, so I can hardly wait to see what evolves from this whirlwind visit.  It's a pleasure to share the space again, and to watch the master in action!


  1. Replies
    1. It's such a pleasure to play with another artist, Judith...we really enjoy our time together!

  2. How fun to be able to share your time with someone who has like interests. I guess that's why I have my blog and challenges, because around here I'm just the crazy lady who does weird art... lol
    Have a wonderful time with Meg. Rock on! Hugs from here.

    1. You are so right, Deann - it's a delight to play with another artist. You (and all your extended family) really MUST move here to Creston so we could play together frequently! Sending hugs right back to you, and wishes for a juicily creative week! xo

  3. There's nothing like the chance to play with mixed media and you have some great techniques on the go but even more is shaing your space with other artists....heaven! Have a great weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I'm with you on that, Angela. As artists, we tend to work primarily on our own, so it's a rare treat to change that up for a while! Hugs, and happy week to you!

  4. Oh, what fun! Just love playing with others in the studio. It's such an inspiration :)

    1. Total agreement from here, Tracy - it was delightful!


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