Thursday, 12 January 2023

Here we are...

 ...already into the second week of the new year.  I've managed to nail down my word for 2023 - how about you?

I've noticed as I move well and truly into my seventies that I am less inclined in this direction, and that's a no go for me.  

It's time to stop avoiding doing things because there may some risk involved.

I've no wish to curl up into a ball and wither away,

so fearless is my word for the year.

By the time I finish all these reminders, they'll be plastered from one end of the house to the other,

and I'll be unable to do anything but get out of my comfort zone.  

That's a darn good thing, too, because I've signed up for Tracy Verdugo's Abstract Mojo class.  I've done the first lesson on line and colour  in unit one 

and started on the second.  It may look like a dog's brekkie right now, but the playtime is fabulous!

So catch me up on what's happening in your corner of the artworld.  Do you have a word for the year yet?  Are you in the throes of new beginnings?  I'm excited to hear!


  1. Expressive mark making. That ‘Fearless’ word is working for you already!
    In the studio so far this week has been ordering 15 yards of prepared for dyeing material along with fresh dyes, giving a 3 hour watercolour lesson, cutting and sewing details on 2x3” mini cards and the week is only partly over.

    1. I'm so looking forward to seeing your new dyed materials...I have a hunch this is going to take you to some amazing places! Can hardly wait to see your new mini cards, too...I'm madly loving those.

  2. Win I have to start by saying I am not really tippling down If you could spend a day looking out my back window you would see that I am blessed with many and varied birds in my backyard and they indeed engage in swooping dog fights sans the planes and head gear. They are a joy to watch.
    Your word of the year is perfect and I will embrace it too. So many times I let Fear hold me back, and I harbor a lot of anxiety. So much so that I find myself repeating John 14:26-27, to buoy myself up.
    I hope we can't both go fearlessly into the New Year. Thank you for your friendship and inspiration. Hugs

    1. While I didn't suspect that you were tippling as you created, with the world in its present state, there would be good reason to do so. Tipple away, my friend, and watch those birdy dogfights. 🤣
      That's a welcome thing to hear that I am not the only one who needs that fearless word; I love it that you have your amazing talent, creativity and bible verse to buoy you up as you walk the path. We all need all the help we can muster.
      And yes, here's to a fearless new year - it's definitely the time for it. Sending much love, my friend...xo

  3. Hi Win, that sounds like a good start to the year. I think 'relax' might be a word for me as last year was a bit stressful at times. Unfortunately we're not off to a good start as mum had to go into hospital today but hopefully she will be okay but small things can be a problem when you're as old as her so we'll see. Deep breaths I think. Wishing you much happiness this year xXx

    1. Angela, the word relax has an immediate effect of dropping the shoulders, so it sounds the perfect word for you this year. I know you've had a horrendous 2022, and a year of relaxation sounds idyllic for you. I'm sorry to hear about your mom - sending healing vibes for her. Happy week, dear friend!

  4. You never struck me as timid, Win, so 'fearless' is a great word and I'm sure you'll accomplish it through this year. I haven't picked a word yet.

    1. I'm looking forward to hearing yours, Tracy, and timid certainly won't be it, that's for sure. ;-)


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