Thursday, 19 January 2023

Got the January doldrums?

 Then I hope you've got an artist friend who knows your love of colour.  This stunning card arrived in the mail this past week from Meg Nicks, just when I needed a rush of colour pick-me-up.

Isn't that just the juiciest?  

Purging is enough to give anyone the doldrums, I'd say.  I've been on a tear in the studio going through my supplies as I just knew there were a number of things I'd not used in a long time.  I've already got a couple of small boxes, and I'm barely started.  If I've not used it in two years, it's heading out the door.

That means that I've gotten a little less done in the studio than what is normal.  This 30-second abstract came from a prompt card requiring something transparent, something opaque, and something scribbled, which really had me giggling.  Right up my alley as to the quick and dirty.  I've set myself a goal this year to use a prompt card once a month (as if I don't have enough ideas of things to do)...I can see it's going to be really entertaining.

And I'm still working on the Abstract Mojo lesson two, cutting the painted watercolour into eight pieces,

rearranging them, 

and now working back into them.  I've barely started on the first three and have waaaaay too many ideas.

And I'm supposed to be moving onto lesson three this week - yikes.  Hope you've been creativity excited and are free of the doldrums this week.  I'll be popping by to say hello and check it out...happy January.   


  1. Hi Win, Juicy! it's lush. I've decided I need more colour in my pfrojects too this year so take it on my friend. I understand your thoughts about clearing out stuff you,ve not used for two years but it is difficult and I have been known to let stuff go and then wished I hadn't when days later it would have been just what I needed on a new project but I do regularly go through the stuff to remind me of what I've got and try and find a use for those forgotten items. I'm going to try and do a monthly journal page though I have said this before so fingers crossed. Happy creating, Angela xXx

    1. I'd say you and I are on a push-pull par about clearing our stash. It's a hard thing to do, given that we'll find we absolutely need that thing we passed along yesterday - this morning. :D I'll watch for those journal pages if you keep me on track with purging, my friend! ;-)

  2. Wow! Cutting up the painting and rearranging the pieces has got to spark those creative juices. Okay, but still slightly scary.

    1. It was a stretch, Eileen, and I suspect that will continue throughout the course, especially due to my parsimonious nature. 😀

  3. I can see why you love Meg's picture it is glorious.
    As artists isn't that what we strive for "Inspiration". Every once in awhile everything sings. And then there are the weeks I should be painting pet rocks. You my friend don't seem to ever have that problem, from my angle you always have something wonderful in the works. Carry on your beautiful work. Best wishes & hugs from here.

    1. That juicy alcohol ink colour definitely feeds my soul, Deann! I'd a laugh over your pet rock comment - a few years ago the seniors group asked me to teach a class in rock painting. Now they are to be found all over town by the dozens. 😂 Sending those best wishes and hugs back a thousand fold. We so need to get together in person, and soon! x o

  4. That splash of colour is just what I needed! Luscious!
    And don't you feel virtuous, doing a purge? I always feel good when I get rid of the 'don't use' and pass it on to someone who will love it and use it.

    1. I'm with you all the way on the feeling of virtuosity, Tracy...even if it's going to take a while (somehow I keep retesting things :D ). xo


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