Thursday 17 November 2022

In polite society... doe not talk about toilets.  I've rarely been accused of being too polite, however, and that's how this journal spread evolved.

An idle mind wonders (and wanders) while the hands are busy at mundane tasks, so mine just had to estimate how many toilets I'd cleaned in my life.   The answer astounded me, even at a conservative evaluation.    Trying to guess the point of all that led me to wonder who was cleaning who 😉 and the spread nearly finished itself.  If only that were the case for toilets.  🤣

I did manage a bit of work on the mini perforated edge book(s), at least to the point of choosing the paper for the accordion and covers.  More to come this week, with luck.

The Christmas cards are coming apace, with long hours embellishing the stars.  Now they sparkle nearly as much as do the friends and family they're meant for.

May your week have been as full of fun, colour and sparkle and may your mind's wandering take you to new and amusing places.


  1. Those mini books with the accordion covers look like something I would like to try. As for the estimation thing, I don’t even want to consider it.

    1. It's a scary thought, isn't it? And imagine how that would pan out for those who work cleaning in hotels. Yikes!!

  2. I love you toilet post it is so fun and so true. You know I don't think I have ever seen a toilet post before. So of course I had to do one but you have beaten me to the punch. On Nov. 27th I am hosting SPA's challenge. The theme is "What are you thankful for", so being the weirdo that, I am, I chose indoor plumbing.
    And a galaxy of lovely stars you are amazing my friend.
    Warm wishes prayers and hugs.

    1. Little wonder that you've not seen a toilet post before, and even less that you've got one in the works. Sometimes I think we're the Bobsy Twins. 😁 And I, too, and VERY thankful for indoor plumbing! Sending major hugs, my friend! xo

  3. Oh, that spread made me laugh, Win. Just what I needed this week. We have self-cleaning ovens, but no-one has yet come up with a self-cleaning toilet, more's the pity :)

    1. You're right - it's waaaaay past time for some bright spark to come up with self-cleaning toilets, Tracy. Much as I value indoor plumbing (see Deann's comment), I'd love to see that invention!

  4. Interesting journal pages. I don't mind cleaning.......well actually I like it better when I've finished it but cleaning the toilet is such hard work as you have to get down on your knees to clean some parts and then get up again, hate it but it has to be done. I often wonder why men don't do more housework. My hubby will put the vaccum round and dust but I have to remind him about which places need cleaning as he doesn't look for it but guess I should be grateful he is willing to do any at all but I still wonder why men don't seem able to see the dust. Loving the star cards, great colours. Hugs, Angela x

    1. I'm with you on the cleaning - much more enjoyable when it's done! There are a number of women in the world on a mission to change the 'who cleans what' thing, and I hope to see some major shifts in my lifetime. ;-)

  5. How many times do we clean anything! Doesn't bear thinking about! lol Love the Christmas cards ! xoxo

    1. Totally with you on that, Corrie, and truly, toilets are the worst. I have a whole list of words about them that my brother, who was in the navy, taught me. :D


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