...in a journal is always such a fabulous feeling. That's especially so when it's taken the better part of two and a half years to finish one (and that's by no means the longest one of mine, either).
This past week I finished the last spreads in the black and white journal and there's only the cover embellishments to complete. I'm using the term 'finished' loosely here as we all know a journal is never really done - the possibilities for additions are legion.
With some 80+ spreads, it's just chock-a-block full, since I don't seem to know when to stop. This book is NOT going to close up neatly.
Because the book will no longer close, even with that highly s t r e t c h a b l e elastic meant to keep a sketch book tidy, I suspect you already know the elastic will have to be snipped, right?
And because it's not going to close, I'm considering adding the 'linked' text that will tie the front to the back on the 'incorrect covers' so it will actually read from the 'normal' left to right. Which would be just about wacky enough to once gain earn my nickname Wingding, won't it?
Here's your chance to weigh in on the issue. On the front cover would normally be the text 'Just a reminder....' with the back page showing '....that at the end, there is only love.' What's your thought? Proceed as normal, knowing it will read backwards, or go with the reversal? Enquiring minds..... 🤨😀