Thursday 10 February 2022

Back in the groove...

 ...sure feels like a good thing.  I finished a slipcover for the star book,

and it fits as though they were made for each other.  😉

The papers are well in progress for the second star book,

and I've even gotten back to embroidering dryer sheets, and there's a phrase that I bet not too many people have used.

Once finished, slip stitches removed, they will (finally) grace the ensuite bathroom as curtains.  I'd hate to tell you how many months ago that project got started.

The great thing about being in the creative doldrums is that when one gets out of them it's akin to taking flight.  Here's to the sea change!  I hope that your creative week has been just as exciting.  


  1. Oh, I love the star detail on the slip case where you pull the book out. It's those small touches that really make a project sing. Love it!
    And so glad to hear that you're out of your slump. It can be a slog to work yourself out of but, as you say, then you feel like you're flying again. Soar on those thermals, my friend!

    1. Thanks, Tracy; I'm enjoying finding pull-area styles to fit the theme, and this one was particularly inspired, I think.

      Thinking of you as you transition to your new home, and so appreciate you stopping by in the midst of all the chaos! It's lovely to hear from you.

  2. That cover is seriously impressive. The star cutout on the edge is a perfect detail.

    1. Thanks, Eileen - I'm liking it too, and with the sparkles embedded in the hand-painted paper, it's even more interesting live and in person. 😉

  3. Hi Win, the slipcover looks great, good idea. I love how you make use of the dryer sheets too. I can understand that sometimes projects get started and not finished straight away but we usually get back to them even if it's years later and I know this for sure! though there are some that may have waited a bit too long Hee! Hee! maybe soon I'll get back to mine. Have a lovely creative week. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks, Angela, and it makes my Glorious Guilt complex much happier to know I'm not the only one with unfinished projects on the go. 😉 I look forward to seeing some of your completed ones when the times comes.

  4. Ah, what a perfect object in every way, this star book and its slipcase. What class dear Win!
    If I understood correctly, a second star book is in the making...
    I can not wait to see it.
    As for the curtain, I'm sure it will look great in your bathroom.
    Your house must be full of colours.
    I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your comments so kind, so intelligent and so precious during your passages on my blog my friend. You are a jewel.
    Take care and have fun!

    1. Thanks so much, Sim, and yes you're correct that another is in progress. Although at the rate it's moving, I encourage you to avoid holding your breath. 😃

      And yes, our home is definitely full of colour. I'm essentially a bohemian at heart, and John has to work very hard to hold me back, given his much-quieter colour sense!

      As always, lovely to see you here; I appreciate your comments more than you can know!

    2. Hahaha! I knew for a lot of colours in your home.
      Mine is that kind of powerfully coloured home
      ( and my man is fortunately happy with that :)
      Have a wonderful week end dear Win! <3

  5. I would have guessed that as well, Sim - no doubt your home is just as powerfully coloured as you are! We're twins from across the water. 😀😀😀

  6. I love your Star Book Cover it is gorgeous. And of course I always liked your dryer sheet patchwork. No guilt about unfinished projects though, I have an embroidery sampler around here somewhere that I started when my kids were actually Have a wonderful artful week. Hugs

    1. Thanks, Deann! And I love it that you have an embroidery sampler hanging around - I'm definitely not the only creative with stacks of unfinished goodies. 😄

  7. Both the star book and it's cover are gorgeous! I can't wait to see the completed curtain panels. The piece you have pictured here already looks amazing.

    1. Thanks, Laura, and the curtains WILL get done - eventually. 😄 We artists do tend to get ourselves into some crazy long-term projects, don't we?!!

  8. Your colours are beautiful, Win. Orange and blue is always a winning combo! I look forward to seeing your new bathroom curtains installed! I've also noticed that taking a little creative break is not a bad thing, because you always return with a vengeance! Have a lovely week! xx

    1. Thanks, Zsuzsa - that's a favourite colour combo of mine. And you can bet I'll do a blog post about the curtains when they're completed, and a happy dance, and maybe even a bottle of wine. 😁

  9. Your cover for the starbook is amazing, also love the dryer sheet embroidery (funny phrase indeed) lol. Keep up the good work! Corrie xoxo

    1. Thanks, Corrie - I'm not sure but I suspect that I'm the only nutcase in the world who consistently works with dryer sheets, doing my bit to avoid them in the landfill a piece at a time. 😎


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