Friday, 26 June 2020

I've been participating... a Facebook round robin in support of women artists for the last week.  It involved sharing one's artwork, one piece a day, and passing the baton to a different female artist daily.  Somehow, my shared artwork morphed into a series of seven different heart/love-themed works.

I believe this was all brought on due to the visit last week with my new granddaughter.  Just in case you didn't see last week's post, here's a photo of my son with his new cherub.  I think he's smitten (and likely exhausted as well)!

Because love is in the air, I thought I'd share some of my heart-themed pieces here as well.  Over the years I seem to have created dozens of them.

Somehow the repeated heart theme in my journals, cards and paintings reminds me of  the truth about humanity.  I suspect they will be making regular appearances for quite some time.

I'd be delighted to hear what your recurring creative themes are - circles, flowers, hearts, geometric shapes?  Do tell in the comments below, and feel free to share some urls!


  1. What a beautiful photo of fatherly love. No wonder your art abounds with hearts! Love the bubble-wrap ones especially.
    It will come as no surprise that circles are my recurring theme. Even when I'm trying not to use them, they pop up unbidden :)

    1. One just cannot beat circles, right? They turn up everywhere in my journals, as well, and often morph into unbidden mandalas to boot!

  2. Oh how cute the photo with Chloe and her dad is! Wonderful! I understand how happy you are with your granddaughter, Win.
    And I love your hearts, especially those made with the wrapping bubbles and the last one with the flowers. My favorite theme in my creations (especially in my pages) is using positive sentiments. Kisses, my friend.

    1. I love that photo, Mia, and Barry is not the only smitten one to be sure. :D

      Your upbeat sentiments are always welcome on my feed, so I'm very glad that you're on such a roll with them!

  3. Great art work Win and a lovely variety of styles for the hearts. I guess father and daughter are making the most of their time together and daddy's getting a nap while he has the chance, so sweet. Big hugs for you and the new dad and small gentle ones for baby. Angela xXx

    1. Thanks, Angela and we're sending hugs all around right back for you and your mom...may her recovery from that fall be swift and easy!

  4. Your hearts are treasures!
    And Chloe is a pure marvel.
    Beautiful photos of father tireness and tenderness.

    1. Thanks, Sim, and it was lovely to see the (exhausted) connection between father and daughter...delight.

  5. What a precious picture that is a forever shot. Your hearts are gorgeous, I don't think anyone gets tired of just can't have too much love.
    It has been a miracle week for me after my doctor announced with conviction that I had ovarian cancer two months ago. I got my post surgery pathology report...cancer free. I don't think you can beat that for good news. So I bought a carton of Toasted Almond Fudge Ice Cream just to celebrate. Have a wonderful week and take care of you.

    1. I'm dancing for joy with you about your great news, Deann! What a fantabulous thing hear post-surgery. I am beyond delighted, as I'm sure you are. Please enjoy every bit of that carton of Toasted Almond Fudge ice cream - topped with fudge sauce if you so desire!!! Woot! Woot!


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