Friday, 19 October 2018

It's that time of year again...

...when the trees burst into their flames of autumn splendor.

They tango in red,




and every possible combination in between.

They chat over the back fence with their neighbours

and whisper secrets to the sky.

They congregate in groups

as they strut their autumn wardrobe

before they hunker down for the coming winter.

May your autumn be as colourful as ours, and may the texture and glory make your heart sing.


  1. Sooo beautiful Win, I revel in fall it is my favorite time of year, the colors bring me such joy, and yours look magnificent.

    On a different note I wanted you to pay particular attention my post "I Am Unique" that rainbow glow it has was created by using one of your beautiful pictures. I think that applying that beautiful background layer gave the picture something very special, I was thrilled thank you so much.
    Have a glorious, lovely and peaceful Autumn among your beautiful leaves it never lasts long enough for me.

    1. It's a wonderful time of the year, isn't it, Deann? And I just can't seem to stop taking photos...I have a file of them that is full to overflowing!

      Thanks for letting me know about the I Am Unique post - I love the play of moving colours throughout the painting; it is truly outstanding!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Val - this is the just perfect time of the year for foliage photos, isn't it? We are so lucky to live in a valley where the trees give us such extraordinary colour!

  3. Hi Win. it is a lovely time of the year without doubt. I think this combination of colours could well be the start of a great piece of art. It was coincidental seeing this today as I had every intention of photographing one of my Bonsai, an Acer. It's leaves had gradually turned the most wonderful variety of colours until finally they were lovely shades of red but life has been a bit complicated over the last few weeks and when I went to look at it today what do you think......yes they had all fallen off! Though I will get round to taking a photo as this is a beautiful tree and without the leaves you are able to see just how brilliant the shape is despite it's small size. Have a lovely creative weekend, Angela xXx

    1. You're quite right that these colours could be awesome in an art piece...some of my favourite combos here. I'm having a wee bit of a grin about you missing the photograph of your bonsai, 'cause I've been trying to get my camera outside for days, and nearly missed the lot here! Great minds - forget. :D xo

  4. Beautiful! I love autumn colours too! Each season has its charms - it would be boring to have just one season.

    1. I'm with you on the beauty of the seasons, Zsuzsa, but admit to having a great love for spring, summer and fall. Winter? Not so much, unless I can see the beauty of it on photos only. :D

      On another note, I have been unable to comment on your blog for a couple of weeks (more?). When I click on 'comments' the word disappears, and nothing happens...not sure what the heck is going on, and I miss putting my two cents in! :D

  5. Orange picture. What a breathtaking photo. I had to scroll back to it several times! They all remind me of what a colourful fall we are having. Can the weather stay like this forever.....

    1. Thanks, Eileen - it's a wonderful time of year, when all the trees look like they're on fire! Forever (or at least two months longer) would be great! :D

  6. Simply amazing Win Dinn! Your lovely text to the wonderful photos! Brilliant! Enjoy! Happy weekend my friend!
    Lots of LOVE from

    1. Many thanks, Susi...I feel so gifted to be able to live on this stunning planet - between the sky, the land, the's hard to know what to appreciate first! xo

  7. Just gorgeous! One of the things I am enjoying, being back in the UK, is the 'proper' autumn where the majority of the trees lose their leaves. Not like in Australia where some do, some don't, some lose them in the summer - it just isn't the same!

    1. I didn't know that about the Australian autumn, Tracy! How strange it must be to view such a hit and miss change when one is used to the 'drop-it-all-at-once' northern falls. I'm delighted that you're enjoying fall in the UK this year, then! xo

  8. You know we here in the Bow Valley can’t compete with the splendor of colour you have there and I for one have serious envy! BUT I’m happy that YOU get this visual treat EVERY year!

    1. Thanks, Alice, and I am so grateful for this yearly gift. It's like the gods are shining on us - every time! xo

  9. We live in a very special place with each season gifting us with a beautiful display of colour and texture! Great photo's Win.

    1. I'm always counting my blessings for living in this valley, especially when autumn rolls around. We are very lucky indeed!

  10. Mother Nature spoils us with her beauties... and you are so good at making beautiful pictures Win! Thank you very much for sharing with us the wonders of your part of the world.

    1. Many thanks, Sim - this time of year is just such delight, isn't it? Magical in so many ways!

  11. A beautiful post Winn! Makes me want to sip on some warm cider and eat frycakes! mmmm
    Jackie xo

    1. That made me grin, Jackie - and if frycakes are the same thing as doughnuts, I'm with you all the way. Definitely fall is in the air! :D xo

  12. Colourful photos for a beautiful colourful season.
    Hugs, my multi talented, lady.

    1. Many thanks, Mia - just the BEST time of year!!!


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