Thursday, 11 October 2018

It's been haywire...

...this week (perfect for an autumn theme, right?), what with Canadian Thanksgiving falling on the weekend and visitors here to celebrate.  That means that there was very little creativity happening in the studio.

I did get a chance to melt some wax on a pumpkin, though, and add it to the front - it rather makes up for all the tomato plants gone missing...John retired them all for the year this last week.

And naturally, there's always colour in the kitchen, especially when Thanksgiving is involved.  Thanks to Cartwheel Farms for this gorgeous produce!  There are no words to tell you how fabulous they tasted...

And in lieu of more creative photos and because I'm so grateful for your presence here,  I'm going to confer you all with honourary Canadian citizenship for the rest of the week, just so you can enjoy our Thanksgiving.  And no, Blogger, that is not the incorrect spelling of honourary in Canada!

Thank you all for stopping by, and please let me know how your creativity is bent this week in the comments below! 


  1. Happy thanksgiving to you, Win! That bowl of squash and pumpkins looks wonderful. Such a great variety. I'm looking forward to getting some veg going in the garden in the spring. Hopefully by then we'll have tamed the wilderness a bit!

    1. Thanks, Tracy - it's been a great time here, and I'm turkey-stuffed to the max! :D Here's hoping your wilderness gets sorted by spring, so you can plant your own goodies! xo

  2. such great colour for your meal and your front door. Happy Thanksgiving Win.

  3. Mercy my dear your vegetables are just as colorful and beautiful as your the squash display. HAPPY, HAPPY CANADIAN THANKSGIVING to you and your family Win. We have so much to be thankful for it's nice that they set aside a day for us to over eat and hopefully contemplate our blessings.
    For me it's all about witches and ghosts and things that go bump in the night...for Halloween is coming.

    1. Aren't those carrots beautifully coloured, Deann? I love all the heritage vegetables that grow in the valley - who knew they were all so bright and happy before uniformity took over?! And I can feel the Halloween vibes coming, fact, there's a severe case of webbing coming soon..................

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! Your deco and the carrots - masterly colored both! I love the pumpkin with the melted wax on it. Wonderful! Enjoy your visitors my friend!
    Big hugs


    1. Thanks, Susi - isn't nature wonderful? Best colour EVER! I love this time of the year, and living in a valley where heritage vegetables are available is a great bonus! Hugs right back at you, my friend - have to tell you again how much I enjoyed your journal cover - delicious!

  5. Hi Win, thank you I shall enjoy being part Canadian. Actually my hubby has family over there. They've been there since he was a boy. His uncle had something to do with very large earth moving equipment and went over to work for a while and never came back. He did take his family with him Lol! Gorgeous colours on the pumpkins and carrots. Apparently carrots were that dark colour originally. It all looks very creative to me anyway. Have a great weekend my friend, Angela xXx

    1. Wow, Angela - didn't know you had family here in our country - where do they live? I'm glad the uncle took his family with him when he decamped. :D My husband, strangely enough, is British, and his father was a Canadian who wound up with an English war bridge. His father then spent the rest of his life in Britain! All that crossing back and forth! Have a super weekend, Angela - I'll be watching for your next posts!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving Win! I do hope you and your friends and family have had a lovely time of it! Feeling blessed to have you as a friend! xoxo

    1. Oh, Jackie - right back at're a treasure in my creative life. Sending you heaps of Thanksgiving love, my friend. xo

  7. You simply can't keep a colour pig down - you will find colour everywhere!
    I always enjoy your colourful posts, Win!

    1. ...says one colour pig to another. :D And given that we live in such a gloriously colourful world, what else could one see?!!

  8. Love how you have been creative using nature rather than paper, scissors, and glue! As an honorary Canadian, I get to say... Spot-on, eh?

    1. Oh Kay - you're pure delight! You're already the perfect Canadian, my friend. :D


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