Thursday, 6 September 2018

I am... the 'I AM' series again, and making every effort to incorporate gel prints,

 quilted collages,

 experimental papers

 and tangled drawings.

And of course I couldn't let the week go by without a little love...

Some people are tough to love; practice loving them anyway...  Wingdings

because your quotes keep coming in and they are outstanding.  

Love is in the air       song by George Young and Harry Vanda

There are just ten days left to get your quotes in - each quote gives you an opportunity to win either a class registration or one of these paintings if you're too far away to come and play with me.  I'm specifically looking for quotes by artists (visual, musical, writers, philosophers, etc.) that are related to love and/or hearts.  Bring 'em on, my friends!


  1. Hi Win, this is not really a Quote but words from a song which I love. Not sure who recorded it first but Dolly Parton has sung it.

    Love is Like a Butterfly
    as soft and gentle as a sigh
    the multicoloured moods of love
    are like it satin wings
    love makes you feel
    strange inside
    it flutters like soft wings in
    love is like a
    a rare and gentle thing

    Hope you like it too. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Wow, thanks Angela - not only did Dolly Parton record this song, but according to Wikipedia, she wrote it as well...what a beautiful piece!

  2. You are such a talented lady, Win. I LOVE your beautiful creations. Kisses, my friend.

    1. Thanks, Mia, and thanks for stopping by to say hello!

  3. I love the way the phrase is teetering in 'I am supported' - we can know we are but still feel a bit off balance, can't we?

    1. Oh my goodness, yes, Tracy; I was actually thinking of you and the way you relate your paintings to your personal life when I put this one together. And being a bit off balance, even when supported, is the way to growth, I think!

  4. The "I am" concept is a strong idea dear Win, and what you are able to create with is amazing talented friend!!
    I do love the "I'm supported", powerfully coloured and so unique!
    I have no more quotes at the moment, but be sure I'll be attentive and thinking of you...

    1. Thanks, Sim; I think by the time I get through all the things that I would like to be, remind myself I already am, and could be, this is going to be one loooooooooooong series! ;-) Thanks for stopping by, and for your lovely quotes earlier!

  5. All so very different. Of course I am partial to your wingding because you are so talented at creating them.

    1. Thanks, Eileen - because the Wingdings come from personal experience, they certainly speak more to me (and not always in a good way :D ).

  6. Another wonderful slice of love. I got what i came for, beautiful art, lovely thoughts and kind wishes. I am proud to be a part of your big circle of friends. Have a wonderful weekend Win.

    1. Deann, you are so kind (to say nothing of wildly and beautifully creative, brilliant and awesome!); it's a treat to be connected with you here, and I can only hope we get a chance to meet in person some day! xo

  7. Wonderful pages Win Dinn- I specially adore the LOVE pieces!
    Happy weekend!

    Love is not what the mind thinks, but what the heart feels. -
    Greg Evans (cartoonist)

    1. What a fabulous quote, Susi - I'm adding that to the list, and now looking forward to using it! Many thanks, and happy weekend. xo

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks, Corrie, and for the two new words statements for the I Am series. :D

  9. I love your "I am..." series! Borrowing from a hymn, don't overlook, I AM WORTHY!

    1. Oh, isn't that a great word, Kay - something that we all seem to have forgotten by the time we've reached adulthood. On my list!

  10. Hello Win!
    Your I am collages are all wonderful!I was looking closely at the apple and there seem to be tiny marks on it- very cool! (or am I seeing things? heehee)
    Hoping Autumn in your new home is as lovely as your summer was!
    sending hugs,Jackie xx

  11. Great eye, Jackie - yes, the apple is a 'quilted collage' ( that was a demo done for the TAPS group here. The apple and its shadow, along with the table, were done with gel prints, while the leaf was created using a painted dryer sheet adhered to yet another one. That candy apple red had a very faint fun foam print on it. While you are seeing things, it's all the good bits. :D

    We're moving into a beautiful fall here, and I hope that autumn in New York fills your heart and eyes as well! xo

  12. Another quote for you, Win: "Two hearts, one soul".
    Hugs, my friend.

  13. Beautiful! I love the love! Affirmations and art just go so well together, don't they? :)

    1. They most certainly do, Sal, and I think the I am series is going to make a great 'pick-me-up-in-the-morning' book!


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