Thursday, 4 January 2024

I've been playing... and on in the studio since we returned from our Christmas family getaway (which was wonderful to the nth degree, of course!).

Still working on the December prompt, I've some photos of some of the changes for you.  

Of course, that's not all I've been doing - there's some exploration of the colour brown, both in photos and other forms.  And since I've received my replacement 12 x 14" Gelli plate, I'm hosting a gel print party for myself.  It's been so long since I've done any gel printing I get to learn it all over again, and isn't that a great thing? 🤣  There's more changes to the paint shirt as well.  Those activities are for posts down the line, so in the meantime, Happy New Year 🎉🍾🥂 to you all.  May the Muse drench  you with copious quantities of creative juices throughout 2024.


  1. Win,
    HAPPY 2024 my friend. Every week in every way you help me to "SEE" things in a new way. To appreciate your beautiful art and the freedom you have in expressing yourself in many ways and a myriad of colors, shapes and lines. Your talent is only exceeded by the "LOVE" you share with everyone. You are a joy my friend and I wish you every blessing and good things to come your way always. Big hugs from here, Deann

    1. And the same to you, Deann; may we share peace, joy, and love in a world that is rapidly healing itself in all directions. And as always, thank you for the fulsome and heart-felt joy of you every week. You are the gift of love. xo

  2. So much playful color. I still have my gelli plate waiting to be opened. Hopefully this year that will happen. Gwen

    1. It's very freeing to play on scrap paper, Gwen, and Gelli plates are creators of magical accidents. Can hardly wait to see you playing with yours. Thanks for stopping by to comment, my friend!

  3. Hi Win, looks like you're having fun. I love the Gel plates but find it difficult to stop when I get started. I have however been playing today with some old acrylic paints that just need using up or they will dry up and be wasted, you'll get to see them soon. At the moment my head is pounding with ideas which is as painful as having no ideas Lol! Sending New Year hugs, Angela xXx

    1. There is definitely something about the relaxed time around the holidays that seems to make those creative ideas flourish...I'll be watching for your acrylic play, and looking forward to it in the meantime! xo

  4. Loving all that colour, Win. Can't wait to see what you've done with brown 🤣 Have a great 2024.

    1. Oh I had to laugh at the brown comment, Tracy, 'cause you know me waaaaaay too well! 🤣🤣

    2. Fabulous design and color!


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