Thursday, 21 September 2023

Colour... just so much fun, and I've really been playing with it this week on the 3' x 4'.

Every layer adds more interesting marks

and new colour combinations.

That just makes me want to do more, 

and more

and more.

I have the distinct impression that is going to be

a never-ending story.

And would that be such a bad thing?

I think not!   Happy week to you all - may you be immersed in your creative joy as well!  


  1. So inventive and so beautiful. You are the art master my friend. Every picture is perfectly wonderful.
    I hope your autumn is as nice as mine. Wet or dry I am loving it.
    Wishing you every good thing. Hugs, Deann

    1. Many thanks, Deann - I am so happy playing with paints and markers and all mixed media! The autumn here is lovely, and we are enjoying it to the max...a great time of the year!

      Sending you happy thoughts and lovely fall days, my friend. xo

  2. My dear Win you must just keep adding colour. As I see it we must do what makes us happy when producing art work and if someone else likes it fine and if they don't.......hard luck! Hee! Hee! Anyway I think it's looking great. Hope you're having a great day too. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I'm with you on adding colour, Ang - it truly makes my heart sing to play with it. Damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead. 🤣

  3. All those tasty little peeks make me want to see how the whole thing is looking right now! Each one is a tiny masterpiece in its own right :)

    1. Truth be told, the snippets are much more pleasing than the whole right now...the middle ugly stage seems to last a whole lot longer the bigger the painting. 🤣

  4. The marks are so interesting it would be hard to cover them up with other layers.

    1. Agreed - although I can choose just to cover up the parts I don't really care for, which is a great bonus! ;-)

  5. Glad to see you've been busy and creating, Win! I fell off the proverbial wagon, but managed to climb back on as if nothing happened! (although I had to relearn how to use blogger LOL!) I'll be a better bloggy friend and visit more in the future! Hope you've been well xx

    1. It's so lovely to see you back here, Zsuzsa! I do understand about falling off the wagon and needing the relearn Blogger...that's my failing even when I take a couple of weeks' break. 🤣


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