Thursday, 28 September 2023

The fun never stops... an artist.  There's always something to do (especially working on the never-ending 3 x 4 painting).  You asked to see the painting as a whole at this stage, so here it is.

With an arsenal of paints, stencils, stamps and pens lined up, there are sure to be many more layers to come.

Adding details in pen is always fun, 

and certainly changes the look of things.

Whether the ink work is fine or wide,  there is depth added.

The start of stamping found a hint of a nest in the corner, so we'll see where that goes.

And given that fall has really hit in our area, you'll know that the gnarly look has arrived outside as well.

We found this mountain of pumpkins at Wloka's, the local fruit and vegetable stand, and it was just one of many.

I could have broken the month's budget there just for the beauty.  I don't dare return!

We're extraordinary lucky to live in an area so rich with orchards, farms, vineyards and lakes...bliss, indeed.  

May your week have been just as filled with autumnal splendor, as well as rivers of creative juices!

Thursday, 21 September 2023

Colour... just so much fun, and I've really been playing with it this week on the 3' x 4'.

Every layer adds more interesting marks

and new colour combinations.

That just makes me want to do more, 

and more

and more.

I have the distinct impression that is going to be

a never-ending story.

And would that be such a bad thing?

I think not!   Happy week to you all - may you be immersed in your creative joy as well!  

Thursday, 14 September 2023

Getting back into the groove ...

... is a good thing, and this week was one of those.

I asked John to help me get the 3' x 4' painting back on a table, and tore into it.  I'd been reining in my drive to add another colour, but lost the battle to an additional yellow.

Masking off the circle of plastic wrap area meant I saved the white only in that area.

I'm already liking the additional contrast this will give me, and I'm really looking forward to adding more layers now.

Of course, I have other things on the go as well.  I'm working on a journal spread in the floral signature since I got thinking about all those flower beds at midnight.  Who knows what they get up to when nobody is watching?  

I added another layer to the journal spread started last week with the September prompt.  Goodness knows how I'll keep these pages from sticking together when they close.  That plasticky acrylic is a nuisance in a journal.  

The Arcturus painting got some work in the background as I glazed a purple around the building skyline before adding any more layers.

I can see there's a long way to go on this piece, but I'm liking what's happening already.

How's your week gone?  Have you been getting the lovely fall weather?  I've been enjoying it so much I've nearly walked off three inches of my legs with enthusiasm!  

Thursday, 7 September 2023

It's been a mixed bag this week...

...but a fun one, nonetheless.

With friends in the studio for a morning, we got our playtime on.  Laura was working on inking a painting as she readies for The Square Foot Show.

Eileen was playing with a small series of abstract pieces which, of course, had me yearning to do the same.

As a consequence, I threw some paint at a journal spread

in a trio of colours that was well out of my usual range.  Lavender, warm yellow and burnt sienna were the suggestions for my September art prompt, and I had fun with them.  More to come on this spread once it truly dries, I suspect.

As I looked through this journal after our playdate, I was struck by the range of luscious colour and texture in some of the spreads, and thought you might enjoy a peek at some of them. 

Now that I've got my abstract appetite whetted once again, I think I'd better get back to the studio.  Have a happy September week, my friends!  

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