Thursday 13 October 2022

This life is a wild ride,

and one seems not to know from one moment to the next where we're headed.  Last week I missed posting due to a runaway few days across the mountains, and now I'm playing catch up.  One of the reasons was a celebration for our youngest grandson's second birthday party, and it was a blast.  His birthday painting this year was of a Simple Simon character called Mr. Noodle, and Owen was beyond excited with the painting.

The Simple Simon characters are delightful, and the catchy tunes they sing are just perfect for this budding musician.

It seems as though both grandsons are fall babies, so there is another birthday painting in the works right now for the older one.

Grandma better get on it, 'cause it's less than a month away and this one needs to go in the mail so it reaches him in time.

Meanwhile, book-making, journal play and paintings are all cooling their jets in the studio as I recover from a wrenched back.  I'm in that time of 'when-will-I-ever-get-back-to-completing-all-these-ideas-in my overflowing-creative-brain?'.  Luckily, the back is slowly regaining strength and improving.  I'll be tap-dancing in the studio soon enough, and enjoying your inspiration creativity in the meantime.  Happy week to you all.


  1. What a special Grandma you are, how precious those paintings will be to them when they are older. They are adorable and so is your grandson.
    Best wishes for your back's speedy and complete recovery. Hugs

    1. So many thanks for your kind words, Deann. I'm loving tracking the grandchildrens' progress through their birthday paintings, and it was truly special to see Owen's paintings hanging in his bedroom this past week. And you're absolutely correct - he is adorable to the max. Sending massive love to you, my friend...xo

  2. What a lovely little painting. And this little boy looks adorable and fascinated!
    I have a feeling he loved his grandma's gift! :D
    Dear Win, I'm sorry you have a bad back. I know what it is, it's disabling, even to paint a small picture... Take the time to get better before letting your artistic energy flow unceasingly from your hands and your imagination in your studio. And anyway you will never run out of inspiration. So take your time and chomping at the bit, patience is a virtue, isn't it?
    Try to have a good time with your super family, we'll be there waiting for you, don't worry.
    Have a nice and warm fall my friend.

  3. Many thanks, Sim; it's truly fascinating to track the children's progress through these birthday paintings, and I'm forever learning a good deal about the wonderful videos and programs there are for the kids, at every age. And yes, I'm being very careful and cautious about the back - it's been six weeks of up and down frustration, and I have no wish to prolong it further. Happy autumn back to you, dear friend, and with luck, we'll connect next week! xo

  4. That is a beautiful piece of art work by your grandson, a true artist in the making. The back sonds painful and I hope it continues to improve. Backs can really take over your life when there's a problem. Take care, Angela xXx

    1. Owen just loved the painting and keeps talking to it in his room. Mr. Noodle was a real hit, and is now hanging with his other birthday paintings where he can chat away with them to his heart's content! Happy week, Ang, and even happier creating!

  5. Ow! Hope that your back feels better soon, if only to stop your brain from exploding rainbows!
    How lovely for your grandchildren to receive such personal gifts. I'm sure they'll love them for many years to come.

    1. That made me laugh, Tracy - I think my brain is exploding rainbows on a constant basis. 🤣

  6. What a lovely painting, he will cherish it forever! xoxo


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