Thursday, 20 October 2022

Birthdays are the bomb...

 ...when you have grandchildren to paint for.  Linkin, turning five in early November, has recently become a huge basketball fan, so you can guess that this year's birthday painting is going to follow that theme.

I'm hoping that Link will be just as thrilled with his 'Grandma' painting as I was to be creating it.  Who has more fun than grandparents, I wonder?  Nobody, that's what I believe.  💗💖💝  Happy birthday, Linkin!


  1. Best Grandma ever! Wow…..

  2. Win that is terrific the perfect picture, cute now and still cool later. You are an awesome Grandma. I hope you are all geared up for winter and things are going your way. Best wishes and prayer and lots of hugs.

    1. Awwww, thanks Deann on all counts. We can certainly feel winter in the air, so it's going to be back to the gym for most of our exercise as the snow hits. Sending a ton of hugs, prayer and love right back atcha! xo

  3. Hi Winny, I know that your Grandson is going to love this it will look great on his bedroom wall and I bet it's there for years to come. The weather here has suddenly changed, it's been raining really hard and it's definitely cooled down. Thank you so much for all the great comments you leave me, you're a great friend. Back soon. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I sure hope that's the case, Angela! And we, too, have had a change as we move into a week that includes a daily forecast of rain. All we hope is that it doesn't yet include the four letter 's' word, as the mountain passes get bleak and dangerous with that. Happy week, and here's to a short winter!

  4. Great textures! I was fascinated with the net. What a lucky grandson :)

    1. Thanks, Tracy - it's wonderful how mixed media can call to so many techniques. Play is definitely the byword! :D

  5. Wow, Link must have been fabulously happy!
    Your textures are superb; we are lucky to have close-ups thanks to you. The basketball net is amazing! Bravo! We are never disappointed by going through your blog!
    I wish you a cozy and joyful entry into winter, dear friend.
    (Sorry for the delay, I'm packing moving boxes and going back and forth to the recycling center and recycling shop... A busy daily life for several weeks... I won't be around too often on the Web...).

    1. Many thanks, Sim - that was a fun project, and the video of Link opening his parcel was a hoot. Sounds like you're in a very busy space for the next while, so we'll look forward to seeing you as you can pop by! xo


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