Thursday, 2 December 2021

'This whole world... wild at heart and weird on top.', says David Lynch.  It's one of my favourite quotes, and of course starts off the heart book I'm working on right now.

With sixty spreads in this small book (6" high x 4 1/2" wide), it's going to be some time before it's completed.  My intention is to add a heart quote and a heart (or more) to each spread, and make every attempt to bring those unloved prints to some sort of beauty.  And truthfully, it would be impossible to do otherwise, for who can resist a heart?!!  They're the symbol of love in culture after culture.

Naturally, that's not all that's happening in the studio.  The Christmas cards heading to other countries have been signed and sent (and undoubtedly will be late again this year, arriving in February or March 😉), and the ones for Canada are in the works as I scribble and address away like a madwoman.  

I hope that you've had an entertaining week as well, and that you're much further along the prepare-for-Christmas path than am I.  Hard to imagine that we are in the month of December already.  Wishing you safe and happy days, my friends.


  1. What a great study to look closely and in depth at the heart and quotes associated with it. It's a lot of spreads, but I'm sure you'll find more than enough to ponder upon and illustrate. Those 'unloved' gelli prints are quickly going to become some of your favourites, I'm sure. It just goes to show that when we lavish love on the unloved, transformation takes place.
    Have a great week, Win!

    1. Tracy, I always appreciate your take on things, and your comment 'It just goes to show that when we lavish love on the unloved, transformation takes place.' just is so bang on that I can't help but grin from ear to ear!

  2. That's a great idea Win to base your journal on everything to do with the heart and with all those left-over papers it's going to be useful as a reminder of those lovely techniques. The Christmas cards look good too. You asked me about the mushrooms. We do seem to get lots of them in the park and in the garden. Lincolnshire is an agricultural county and has good temperatures and just enough rain to encourage good growth of plants so guess that's why they do so well. My understanding of mushrooms is that there are more edible ones than are not but I don't risk eating the wild ones, though like you I love mushrooms. Have a lovely week my friend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I'm rather glad you don't try those wild mushrooms - like you, I'd rather be safe in spite of the fabulous possibilities of taste. :D

  3. I love this book of hearts and quotes, it is truly beautiful!
    I love that each heart is unique in shape and plastic content.
    I wish you to take all the pleasure possible in your Christmas preparations, without putting pressure on yourself.
    Creative hours go by faster than most and many of us don't believe it's December already...
    Everything you spend your time on is great, the rest matters less.
    Take good care of yourself my friend, see you later.
    (Thank you for your loyalty and your awesome comments Win :)

    1. Thanks, Sim - I'm such a fan of hearts that I know every moment working in this particular journal will be a joy. And yes, I'm truly enjoying the preparations for Christmas; it always comes together like a beautiful dream! xo

  4. No beauty shines brighter … such a lovely quote and I particularly am attracted to the layout of this page. And the tree trunk in that last photo, oh so perfect. One probably couldn’t reproduce it if they tried!

    1. It's a wonderful quote, isn't it, Eileen? And I'm with you on that tree trunk - fortuitous to the max!

  5. Oh Win your Heart book will be such a treasure. What a beautiful idea.
    You always have so much going on you make me feel like a veritable lackey.
    Carry on, you wild and crazy Christmas lady. I'm cleaning out drawers and cupboards. A dirty job but someone has to do it. Take care of you, Hugs

    1. I'm giggling wildly, Deann, at your third sentence, as I feel exactly the same way when I look at your creative output! We are 'Maker Junkies' methinks! :D Good luck on the cleanout - do please send some of that energy my way, as our sty needs a good cleaning and sorting as well and it's one of my procrastination roads to hell! Big hugs, m'lady! xo

  6. Sorry, I missed your post last week, Win! Just catching up today. Loving your colourful hearts - those shapes certainly give the prints a new perspective. Hope you've won the race against time with the Christmas cards - this time of year always creeps up on us so fast. One day it's still summer and then bang, Christmas is right around the corner! Happy December! xx

    1. It's a gift to see you here any time, Zsuzsa, just like seeing your posts! I think the race is won (or at least if they're late, they're late) as all cards have flown the coop. That'll give me some more time work play in that heart journal, so YAY for that! Have a great week, my friend!


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