Thursday 4 March 2021

It's great to have...

so many fabulous artists friends online, and I really enjoy following their blogs.  So I'm letting you in on some good ones in this post, and will repeat this type of post periodically, 'cause there are just so many!!!

Make sure you pop over to The Stardust Factory.  You'll love the luscious layers in Deann's digital work, and when they're coupled with her oh-so-spot-on bits of quotes/poetry/songs, the double whammy is outstanding.  Here's one of her recent rich pieces called Gypsy Dreams:

For thought-provoking insights, you can't outdo Soujourner.  Tracy does wonder-full journal work as well as paintings, book-bindings and more.  Her introspective posts are clear, concise and pack an excellent humanistic wallop.  Check out the colour in this page, called 'Close to home'.

One blogger that is always great for a belly laugh is MadebyCHook.  Corrie's work is always beautiful, and often side-splitting; for that I am beyond grateful.  I swear she made this one up from my head:

For garden-inspired beautiful mixed media, I encourage you to check out Laura Leeder's work.  One can't help but think of garden light when viewing her birds and flowers and this one, Peace on Earth, is so serene.

Eileen Gidman is an artist accomplished in many areas - from watercolour to plein air painting to dyes on textiles.  It's the latter that really pulls me in.  The process is labour intensive, but the results are so worth it; her new series of wow-colour pups just makes me grin.  This one is called Playful.

I'll be sharing more of these wonderful artists soon;  in the meantime, do pop over and give these artists some love.  You'll be most welcome!


  1. Oh, thank you for the shout-out, Win. Most kind. And thank you for introducing me to some fine fellow artists.
    By the way, there is a little something on its way to you - I hope it doesn't take too long :)

    1. Oh goodness, you've got my anticipatory juices flowing! Sending big hugs....

  2. Dear Win,
    How lovely of you to mention my name ! I am just happy I can make you and hopefully others too, laugh occasionally ! Thank you my friend ! 
Corrie xoxo

    1. You're a bright light in my Thursday reading list, Corrie, and I love catching up with you. Many thanks for your fabulous creativity!

  3. Great choice, brilliant collection no wonder you love these so much. Happy creative week, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks, Angela! These artists, and you, are among my absolute faves!!!

    2. Thank You so much for the lovely mention of my work, for sharing it her on your blog and for introducing me to these talented artists. Much appreciated! Have a wonderful week!

    3. You're most welcome, Laura - love visiting your blog, and I love the new look of your website as well!!

  4. Thank you so much for the spotlight and introducing me to some awesome artists. Isn't it wonderful that there are countless ways to create something beautiful and so many people willing to spend their time creating. I also love the thoughts that accompany their art. It make my day so much brighter after enjoying the creativity of others and most especially yours which is delightful and seemingly endless. Take care of you my friend. Hugs.

    1. You're most welcome, Deann - I always love visiting your site to see what shenanigans you're up to, or the loveliness that has taken place during the week...big hugs, my oh-so-creative friend!

  5. Thanks so much Win. I will check out the other artists!

    1. You're most welcome, Eileen - thanks for sharing your creativity on your blog. I so love seeing all the new artwork!


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