Thursday, 26 March 2020

Q is for...

...quarantine, and we've got another five days to go before we are out of it.  Then I can make a SI (self-isolation) door sign.

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The world is turned upside down right now, and everyone is realizing that they are not only connected, but involved to the max.  We're bereft, bruised, and battered, but not yet beaten.  And if you are, like ourselves, turning to social media, I'm hoping your feed looks like a humanity turned to love.

I've been so very heartened by wonderful groups on Facebook like The Kindness Pandemic, Hearts of PG (now a world-wide phenomenon) whose story is here, and locally Creston Community Support.  The Kindness Pandemic is sharing stories submitted by people who have experienced episodes of rampant kindness in their areas.  Hearts of PG is a group started to entertain children on walkabout with their families - they can spot hearts in the window in their area, and people are encouraged to share photos of the hearts they have added to their homes.  Creston Community Support is a local group that is working hard to deliver to shut-ins and those in quarantine, and run errands for those who are unable to do so.  It's an incredibly caring platform, and I know there are hundreds springing up around the world that are doing the same.  

In Vancouver, at 7 pm every night, thousands of people open their apartment windows and cheer, whistle and shout out their appreciation for all the essential staff (doctors, nurses, grocery store heros, truckers and so on).  Here at home, our daughter is supporting us with grocery runs, laughter and comfort.  Our librarian delivered a couple of boxes of some 45 books, a good friend picked us up from the airport, milk and bread in hand, and a gym friend delivered for John's volunteer work.  And that's just the tip of the kindness iceberg.

There are outstandingly funny things on my SM feeds as well - 

and inspiring music, readings, university courses, art instruction and much, much more.

I've been occupying myself with sorting through holiday photos from Huatulco, Mexico, and they remind me there is beauty and pattern everywhere, whether we're aware of it or not.  

I'm going to leave you (and especially The Stardust Factory) with a hint of what the paintings in world-renown museums are doing while we're distancing ourselves.  

Post found on Facebook
Please, tell me what you're doing during this pandemic.  How are you coping?  Are you and your family/friends well and safe?  What are you learning?  Creating?  We've been friends for a long time, and I'm concerned for you.  

Thursday, 19 March 2020

I'll bet you can hardly imagine...

...what's on my blog this week, right?  Ha!  Creative JumpStart 2020 projects it is!

When I saw Kae Pea's video, I knew I'd just love the process and I was bang on with that.  This was so much fun to do, and who could argue with the intensity of the colour?  :D

Rachel Greig's prompts for this journal page were pure delight, and I got to use a lot of the rec centre wristbands I've collected - bonus!

I just love abstract works, and Mary Beth Shaw's tutorial was wonderful.  My results?  Not so much!  :D  I'll be working this one til it dies or sings and then I can start anew.  

Cheiron Brandon did a great video on landscape; if you don't think outer space includes landscape, look and think again!  What fun!

James Luke Burke got right into my brain as well, working in a series with the same theme.  I enjoyed this a great deal, and really loved the top one in the series.  I have to say that I am thoroughly addicted to dryer sheets, no matter where and how they show up.

I've not shown you all of the results from this year's fabulous Creative Jumpstart 2020, I'm sure you've got the drift now.  If you've not signed on and started these, I highly encourage it!  And whatever you're doing, you know I'm a firm believer in create, createCREATE!  See you next week!

Thursday, 12 March 2020

You knew that more and more...

....Creative Jumpstart 2020 projects were in store for you today, right?  'Cause you're brilliant and you're paying attention!  :D 

Gwen Lafleur is a fabulous artist, and it's no surprise that I loved her video and process.  This journal page in my small (6" x 4") black paper journal was the result.

Nancy Curry's video was a ton of fun.  While I didn't have the LP record I should have been working on, these CD's were a fun start and I learned a ton doing them.  There is much more to her project than shown here, and now that I have the tools to get a good start, I am beyond pumped.  Watch this space!

You all know how crazy I am about altered books, journals, and mini books, right?  Well the video by Rae Missigman was pure delight, and I can see many more of these appearing in my future.

I'm a self-admitted pattern freak and a gel print geek.  Absolute truth!  So the making-patterns-with-the-gel-plate video by Tania Ahmed was so up my alley that I could have built it (the alley, that is).  What fun, and because I totally trashed a gel plate while attempting a technique in a previous video, I could chop it into pieces to use.  More to come... :D

Andrea Chebeleu did a great video and had me working on a canvas (because I didn't have the 'correct' materials she worked on.  I had a blast with this, and suspect that I'll be playing with many more in this fashion.

I just love the variety of styles and videos presented in Creative JumpStart 2020 - it's like a cornucopia of luscious creativity!  More next week, and do let me know what you're up to in the comments below, adding links if you choose!

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Would you like... see some more of my Creative JumpStart 2020 projects?  I hope so, 'cause that's what we're up to again today.

I just loved the video by Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, as usual.   Her prompting to follow the 'what if's' is so closely aligned with my own process I feel like she could be hard-wired to my brain.

Carolyn Dube's video of creating art tape was a blast, and quite addicting I might add.  There are probably more than a few of these strips in my stash now.

I just loved the process shown by Marlene Meijer-van Nierkirk; it was simple as promised and oh. so. rich.

The video presented by Riika Kovasin was great fun.  Doing a journal page with some constraints produced this spread.  What I like about it was that it utilized what was on the table, and that included the failed pieces from Natalie's video.  I so love using everything up!

Jodi Ohl encouraged me to try another drawing (and you know how much I love that...ha!).  I really must do more, and more.....and more.

It would be hard for me to explain how much I enjoyed Creative Jumpstart 2020, so I'll just keep on showing you, shall I?  Check in next week for more!  And in the meantime, your comments can tell me how you're jumpstarting your 2020!
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