Friday, 24 April 2015

Where did it go?

I missed Tuesday's post, and here it is Friday already.  It's been a week, apparently. I've been working on some pieces for the Fernie show, and actually managed to finish a couple of them this week.

This very masculine bottle became an instant favourite of my son, Barry, who loved the masculine feel and the hand-crafted chain made and gifted to me by Eileen Gidman (I have the best friends).

I think it has a deep sea feel to it, and named it 'Sunken Treasure'.

A companion piece in the same antique gold tones is this chalice, entitled 'Antique Goblet'.  It sports some of Eileen's gifts as well!

This lovely sherry glass piece is called 'Abundance', and it was Laura Leeder who donated the glass and many of the coins.  The first version of this can be found here, and now belongs to Laura and her husband Ivor.

The other glass that's been completed is 'Pot of Gold', and just feels so rich to me.

There are so many embellishments on this it's quite top heavy.

 It's chock-a-block full of Eileen's buttons, too,  What a gift that was!

On a sadder note, it's been a week of loss.  Our studio cat, Opal, has left us to go mousing around St. Peter's chair.  I'll miss her extraordinary presence in the midst of my creative chaos, and her assistance with everything I've ever done.  You can see her handiwork here and here.  

RIP, Opal, and happy mousing.

Friday, 17 April 2015

The usual madness... running deep in the studio this week, with texture everywhere.

There are bottles in the works

in various stages of completion,

and the same holds true for goblets.

Partially finished paintings are lurking in every corner, with embellishments auditioning for their part,

and the studio is its usual shambles.

One would hope that something will eventually get completed, since there are three shows (you can read about one of them entitled On the Wall-Off the Wall here) to prepare for this summer, and the deadlines are fast approaching.

Wish me luck, and the arrival of the 'Everything-is-all-done-and-ready-to-go' Fairies, as we head into late spring and deadline mania.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

A huge thanks...

goes out to fellow artists for feeding my creative frenzy.

This past week I put out an APB looking for metal buttons and old costume jewellery.  And boy, did I get results!

I was gifted pounds of gorgeous metal buttons,

dozens of pieces of earring and pins, 

chains galore (including a hand-crafted one!),


antique keys (I LOVE keys)


some wonderfully mandalic circular metal pieces (?),


 more beautiful jewellery including cultured pearls,

and another bag full of lovely filigreed plastic buttons.

How could I help but spend a couple of hours making more flowers?  It was all just impossible to resist!

Thank you Eileen and Laura for feeding my addiction...there will be many lost hours coming up in the studio!

Then I was rooting through my art pen case, and found this lovely silver tree of life earring, stashed in there, no doubt, by Alice on her recent visit.  Wow - thank you!

And while I'm on the topic of generosity, I want to give a shout out to the wonderful community 'Creating and Sharing Mixed Media Art' over at Google+.  I've been involved in a tag swap there for some months and invariably I'm bowled over not only by the tags I've received, but the add-ons of ephemera gifted with them.  You're a fabulous bunch of peeps!  

Thank you to all my artist friends - you feed my frenzy and fill my soul!

Friday, 10 April 2015

Another signature... completed (well, we all know one could keep adding don't we?), this time in shades of rich fall colour.

I was amused to find a story of a wood sprite emerging.  Where did she come from?

The signature is filled with secret pockets for extra photos, tags, and ephemera.

Dried ferns and vegetation abound.

The Gelli prints used throughout are rich with colour and texture that complement the greenery

and I've used John's marvellous photos from a stash he gifted me with some time ago.

There are feathers everywhere (mostly culled by animal-health-technologists-in-training - thank you Rochelle!)

that add to the visual of a wood sprite's habitat.  Whatever this sprite's intent, I'm glad she popped in for a visit!

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

I just can't get enough...

... of texture these days.  I'm adding stuff to mediums like stuff will disappear, never to return.  Then I glop (note the technical term there) it on so thickly that it could be eaten with a spoon, were one so inclined.

Recently, I added to this wine glass and bottle to jazz it up a bit, since I found the original rather blah. 

 I'm loving the changes that additional colour and texture bring.

When I feel like I'd like to lick the results,

I know that I'm well on my way

to having it just right.

Each part of this pair just calls to me,

and I know I'll enjoy them for a long time to come.

In my eyes it's a great improvement over the original finish,

How about you?  What's calling to you in your creative life these days?  Colour, texture, hidden meaning, push/pull?  I love how we get hooked on things and can't let go until we're 'done'. Picasso in his blue period had nothing on mixed media artists!
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