Thursday, 12 December 2024

I'm still playing... the small quote book, mixing quotes ranging from art to spirit to outright silliness.  It's going to be fun to see them all in and catch a sense of where my mind was in this particular month - or maybe months, depending.

As with most of my books, the initial stages are all about being 'in progress'.  It's impossible to tell at this stage what the final look of each page will be.

Reviewing this post, I'm amused by the amount of brown in it; it's obvious that my ennui with that colour meant I was chopping scraps with abandon to fill the signatures.  🤔

May your pre-holiday creative time be as much fun for you as has mine...and here's to a possibility of Christmas baking in the next few days!!  


  1. Oh là là, a throng of some great quotes!
    And brown can be really cool, it's the colour of chocolate, isn't it?
    I'm sure you'll have a great time doing this book.
    Next week, our internet service provider is planning some major disruptions and outages. Then we'll be going on holiday for a while, until next year anyway. So I already wish you and all your loved ones a warm and happy festive season. Have fun my friend!
    Lots of hugs and sweet thoughts flying your way.

    1. Oh, of course - all you chocolate lovers will be in heaven with every permutation of brown! ;-) Sending you best of the season's wishes, and pure delight in the coming year. I look forward to connecting then. Sending a ton of Christmas love!!

  2. Win, As a fellow quote junky I am all about this post. Especially the ones about Insanity, blood donation and cookies...forgiveness is always good too. I would love to have a shirt printed up about "Giving all" for the next time I head to the Blood Bank.
    Your books are so beautifully made. I love how you take the time to do things right, the details are everything. I even like the brown because "Brown needs love too."
    I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, and enjoy your baking.
    Love, hugs and best wishes from here. Deann

    1. It's always such a treat to hear from another quote junky...I can just see you with your newly printed shirt, heading off to the blood bank. 🤣

      So much thanks for the comment about the details in my books; they are definitely a labour of love. And yes, I must remember that 'Brown needs love, too!' - a perfect quote for a brown-averse colour pig.

      Sending you all the best wishes for the season - love, hugs, laughter, happiness, family and friends, and may it continue well into the new year. With love, Win

  3. After a couple of weeks of rest, I am back in the studio. Smaller ‘mini book’ projects can be good at this time of year when other things are
    taking our attention. They look great!

    1. I definitely agree, and a small-scale page is something that can take just a few minutes, and give a great deal of pleasure!!

  4. Looks like you're having fun with this book, Win. It made me smile to read your comment about the brown. How much easier it is to chop up the bits of paper we don't particularly like!
    Have fun with your Christmas baking. It's one thing that I've already ticked off my list :)

    1. It is fun, Tracy, notwithstanding that brown. 🤣 And I'm way behind this year to have not even started the baking yet! I'm a bit envious that you're already finished (not the least because we could be delving into it already).

  5. I am ,loving these little books. I will be glad when I've finished the baby journals as I have some ideas for some smaller projects. Hubby keeps telling me how much he loves the christmas card you sent us. Take care and happy crafting, Angela xXx

    1. I'm already looking forward to your smaller projects, Angela...they will be, no doubt, just fabulous!!

      Bless your hubby's heart - that is music to my ears, and I'm so grateful it got out of the country before the strike!

      Happy pre-Christmas crazies, and baby-book making, my friend. Hugs, Win


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