...my phrase for 2025.
To say 2024 has been a challenging year understates the reality by a gazillion squared, so I knew that my phrase for 2025 would need to really pack a punch.
I studied for years with a spiritual mentor who was one of the most loving people I’ve known, and taught me about the real meaning of love. It’s definitely not always about being kind; she was hard-core, and a proponent of tough love. She spoke the truth, as she saw it, to others in all circumstances. She made a habit of practicing love in all its forms – love for others, love for self (although she did admit that loving oneself was a difficult thing and sometimes the most one could do there was a grudging acceptance), and love for the situation one found oneself in (another tough one). The thing she spoke most to, though, was the fact that our responses to others, ourselves and situations was a matter of choice.
My phrase for 2025 is, then, 'Choose Love'.
I'm looking forward to hearing about your word or phrase for 2025. What have you chosen?