Thursday, 4 August 2022

Goof-ups galore...

means that it was a good model project, right?  Whenever I try a new book form, I expect to make a ton of mistakes and this one was a great example.  Regardless, I think it's rather pretty, and it gives me the impetus to try another one.  The book is 4.5" wide x 5.5" high x .75" deep, and I'm loving the cover in spite of all the craziness last week with chemical reactions between alcohol ink and stamp pad inks.

The crossed-structure binding is an interesting one to do, and I love the way it looks.

I'll ensure that the cut edges are all coloured on the next one so they aren't so visible.

I also finished a couple of tiny (2" wide x 3" high) mini accordion books retro-fitted to some cast-off jewelry boxes.  This one falls into the Arcturus series quite nicely. I'd say.

It makes me smile to think there actually could be dragons out there in that star system...wouldn't you love to see that?

The other mini  is about 'The Red Rubber Ball' and was the result of an ear worm that would NOT go away.  

The morning sun has been shining like a red rubber ball here for some days, and the heat wave is truly amazing.  This morning is the first cooler day we've had in a while and a 7:30 am walk had us at 25 degrees C.

I'm sure by now you all know that I'm a rabid environmentalist, and that enthusiasm usually shows up in the studio with recycling/upcycling/reusing and etc.  This past week, though, a handheld turbo something-or-other that attaches to the vacuum crapped out, and I decided it was time I put my brain to the test.  I found some directions online for a repair, and tore the thing apart.  I'm happy to tell you that the thing does NOT have to go into the landfill, and I managed to not only take it all apart but put it back together.  

I feel a huge need for us to do something more to save the planet we occupy; we need to be conscious of everything that goes in the landfill.  Our small town has just started a recycling program and I'm delighted to see this.  What's happening in your area?  I'd love to hear about ways in which you and your community are working together to make a difference.


  1. Hi Win, loving the journals those covers are brilliant but The Red Rubber Ball has to be the one for me it's spectacular. Here in Lincoln we have had recycling for some time with different coloured bins for plastics, bottles and card in one and food waste in another. We also have a bin for garden waste too. It's gradually developed throughout the country which is good and of course I reuse lots of cardboard from packaging whenever possible. Wishing you a very happy and creative week, Angela xxx

    1. Definitely like-minded, Angela - I really like that Red Rubber Ball (and the song is so bouncy how could one not?).

      It's great to hear that you've had some programs in place for a while there, Angela. The pick-up-at-your-home program started here at the end of June, although some of the recycling still needs to be delivered to a depot, which is a hardship for those without vehicles. We also have two depots here (Gleaners for clothing, household fabrics, toys, crafts, and 'Gleaners, Too' for household items, furniture, glassware and etc.). There is a real cuIture here of reusing, and it's a badge of honour to say 'I got it at Gleaners'. I know how much recycling you do with your artwork, and that's a huge boon in my opinion. Your exploding box of leftover papers is a prime example!

    2. You most certainly do, my friend...I'm always so impressed how you use so much of what is left over from larger projects!!

  2. Lovely new book, Win. You can't tell you had to wrestle with it :) It's one of the book forms I'd like to try. Have you done Secret Belgian Binding? It had my eyes crossed and my fingers in a knot.
    And well done you for fixing your vacuum cleaner. I have a great book called 'How to Fix Just About Everything' which I have pulled out on many occasions and managed to avoid a tradie call-out.

    1. It's a pretty form, isn't it? I've got another one in the works to cement and relearn (preferably without errors this time), and then it's on to an affair with the Secret Belgian, which will no doubt really mess with my spatial relationships. 😜

      I'll have to see if I can get that book through the library to take a look. I need all the help I can get!

  3. All this creative experimenting you do has been proven to help with other problem solving. No wonder you are a wizard vacuum repairwoman!

  4. You have, once again, been fruitful during my absence.
    More wonders, as there are already many to your credit, and as there are still many in your brain as an artist hungry for discoveries, colours, shapes and creativity... Congratulations my friend! It's all very beautiful, as usual.
    I also greatly congratulate you for having succeeded in repairing your vacuum cleaner. It's very strong and it's beautiful!!
    Home, in my tiny part of the world, everything that is recyclable is recycled! To the point that this region serves as an example to follow in the rest of France (where, however, recycling has been practiced for at least more than two decades, more or less successfully depending on the region).
    Hugs dear Win.

    1. So many thanks again, dear Sim - on all counts! I'm pretty chuffed to have not only found the time to create, but to attempt that vacuum fix (definitely not my strong point). I'm so glad to hear that recycling is a big thing in your area, and I have high hopes that will become a world-wide epidemic! We are so needing some major changes in the way we treat this planet. Much love, dear friend!


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