Thursday, 3 December 2020

It seems to me that snowflakes...

...are rather like human beings (or vice versa).  Each one is uniquely beautiful, rich in its own way, and delightful to behold.

Whether strongly geometric,

feathery light,

or cut from a different cloth altogether,


there is always grace to be found.

The style may be bold and large,

contain a stripe of a different colour,

or even be torn in places, 

but there is always some artistry to be found in the individuality.

May you find yourself noticing the beauty in others as you move towards a completely newfound holiday season, 

and may you feel grateful, as I do, for the character and complexion of those you meet on your journey.  Thank you for sharing yours with me - there are no words to express what a gift you are in my life. 


  1. Win, such an elegantly written blogpost! I so enjoyed it. You have a talent with words and I so appreciate when you pair them with your art.

    1. Many thanks, Eileen - that's most kind of you to say so. One of the uniquely beautiful things about you is your thoughtful consideration in your comments. <3

  2. I absolutely agree with you, Win. Each snowflake is unique, just like people. Each snowflake has its own "personality", "individuality". And I really love making them. It is a relaxing procedure.
    By the way, have a look on my post "Winners of my birthday candy". Kisses, my friend.

    1. It's just so amazing that we live on a planet where diversity rules - every plant and animal is a gift! xo

  3. Oh, Win, so sweet of you...
    I'm sure we're all very happy to know you too!
    Your snowflakes are a perfect illustration of all our differences, but also of all our common points, to us human being.
    And, in addition, they are very beautiful!

    1. Many thanks, Sim - I so often think how lucky we are to recognize the beauty in everyone and everything. xo

  4. these and the ones from your last post are all so lovely Win.thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks for stopping by to visit, Val, and for the kind're a favourite snowflake! ;-)

  5. Hi Win, your posts are always so thoughtful. I had to smile at your words about the snowflakes. I have a passion for the patterns on snowflakes and have been known to go out, on the few occasions when we have snow with a magnifying glass in hand....yes I know I'm mad! and you're right snowflakes are like people and everyone is different and special in their own right. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks, Angela, and those snowflakes (real or hand-cut) pull me in like no other. I love the uniqueness and the sense of unending beauty...xo

  6. Beautiful art and words, Win. Yes, each of us is unique, but we all carry similarities, too. Let's look for how we are the same while embracing the ways we are different.

  7. What a touching and beautiful post Win. Like you I believe there is beauty in everything if you look for it. Life is so much easier if you find things to be grateful for, instead of what you lack. And there are so many wonderful people and things. You and your snowflakes are a prime example.
    Keep on, keeping on babe the world needs a lot more people like you. I know you will make this a great holiday season because that's who you are.
    Best wishes, be safe.

    1. Deann, you are such a kindred spirit. I know that you see the world in the same way, and I'm wishing a loving (and safe) holiday season. May 2021 bring us all more light, laughter and gatherings of joy-filled love! xo

  8. beautifully written Win. It is lovely to have you in my life too although we are far apart ! Wishing you a great festive Christmas in this difficult time and hope that 2021 brings you everything you wish for ! xx

    1. Many thanks, Corrie, and may your Christmas be a delight as well. We're all looking forward to a 2021 that really rocks!! xo

  9. What a beautiful comparison between snowflakes and people - your inky snowflakes look so delightful. I remember in kindergarten I drew magic snow (little colourful dots and I was shamed by the carer for not being realistic because snow is supposed to be white - that's communism for you - they killed every bit of creativity in us at an early age LOL and I still remember it!

    1. It's a wonderful thing, Zsuzsa, that you overcame that communist upbringing with your lush creativity intact - well done, my friend. That kind of carping would have turned many a child away from any creativity it all! YAY for you, and the inspiration you bring to so many! xo


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