Thursday, 3 May 2018

Drum roll, please...

...and the winner of 'The New Hood' wonky houses painting is Val van der Poel, of Creston, BC.  This is the first time I've had a local win one of my draws - no mailing required, unless I can't get her out of her gardening mode! Thanks for sharing and playing, Val. 😊

And on the Good News front, spring has arrived here, and we're enjoying the results of John's labour over the past eleven years in the form of a spring bouquet.

Is it any wonder that the blossoms are so beautiful, given the gorgeous blue skies and sunshine that are filling every corner of our world?

Inside the house is perhaps not so gorgeous - the corners and every available space seems to be filling up with boxes.  And here I thought we'd done a good job of purging.

The cupboards are slowly emptying,

the artwork is being packed away,

and the shelves are starting to look bare in some areas.

This all means, of course, that time for creativity is somewhat at a premium.  I'm mostly unleashing it in the form of cookie baking, which is not the best thing for the waistline!

Never mind, the move will be over in three weeks, and it will be back to the literal drawing board.  In the meantime, I'm wishing you a creative blitz so you can feed mine vicariously! 


  1. Hi Win, I think moving house probably encourages you to clear out stuff you don't really need but the thought of it leaves me with dread! So I will when I finally get round to it try and have a clear out without moving house Lol! Your flowers are lovely in fact nature is wonderful and spring always reminds us of this. Have a lovely weekend and good luck with the sorting and packing. Your crafty friend across the pond, Angela xXx

    1. I'm in total agreement, Angela, and the purging has pared us down to what is required, rather than gathered - a truly great thing. It's a great time to be moving; spring is always about renewal! Happy weekend, Angela!

  2. I'm not the only one who bakes to relieve stress when I can't art then?! I did a lot of baking while waiting for our boxes to arrive. It's amazing how many boxes it takes to pack up a life, isn't it? We purged at this end as well, as the house is smaller and we hadn't seen it before we arrived.
    I hope your move goes smoothly, the unpacking is swift, and that your new garden is as beautiful as this one obviously is with all those lovely spring bulbs.

    1. Baking is a great thing, isn't it Tracy? The best part is being able to eat at up when you're done. And yes, the number of boxes is amazing; I'm just astounded at the quantity. Thanks for the good wishes, although we'll be enjoying the grounds that someone else is working, apart from a few hanging pots and the tomato plant pots that John just cannot resist (good thing; I'm addicted to heritage tomatoes in the summer, and his are the best!).

  3. Packing to move has to be one of the hardest jobs around, especially in spring when the outdoors are calling us. Thanks you so much for picking me to win the Wonky House painting - I love it. Once I have time I will mat and frame it and add it to my collection of local artists.

    1. I agree that being inside is hard at this time of the year; John and I are ensuring a daily round of walks to enjoy the great outdoors, though. I'm delighted you won the painting and that you now own one of my new faves! Happy spring, Val!

  4. Wouaouh! You seems to be very busy at the moment!
    The flowers are truly beautiful, inside and outside (at last)!
    Spring was long to come this year in my part of the world, but here too, there are flowers everywhere now. A pure joy indeed!
    Try to have fun, surrounded by your cardboards my friend, it's always a good time for a lot of things, isn't it?

    1. Spring was slow here too, Sim, so we're delighted to be enjoying the beauty of it, even as we prepare to move (a scant 4-5 blocks away). It's a grand time, I agree!

  5. I certainly don't envy you having to pack up all your earthly possessions, I have done it many times in my life but that was when I was much younger and had more energy and much less wonderful junk to deal with. I wish you all the best, health, strength, and stamina, but most of all great happiness in your new home.
    In the mean time I will be here, glued to my laptop cranking out art and awaiting your return to the art world.

    1. I'm rather enjoying the packing part now, Deann, because all the purging part of it has been completed; that was the most difficult part. Of course, the running joke is that, when we can't find something we truly need, it's gone in the purge. We'll know whether that's true when we unpack everything, right? Thanks for the good wishes, and I'll be watching your space for your lovely visual creations! xo

  6. I wish you all the power which is neede now - you will have so much fun in the new house with the things - I am sure! And the best you can sort out all now at the same time... isn't that great?!

    Big hugs and sending the best wishes for the move dear Win Dinn!
    Love from Susi

    1. Thanks for all those good wishes, Susi; I feel certain the Universe is organizing the follow-through right now. Have a great weekend, my friend!

  7. New beginnings are always exciting, Win! Wishing you all the best with the move. Enjoy the beautiful Spring weather. We seem to have skipped Spring and jumped straight into Summer! 5C last week and they're projecting 27C this weekend!

    1. Thanks for the good move wishes, Zsuzsa; we're very much looking forward to have it done. ;-) Sounds like you're getting the same kind of weather we have here, direct from winter to summer. And naysayers are still denying there's any climate change!


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