Thursday, 11 January 2018

This post is...

brought to you by the colour red, because I love, love, LOVE red. Whether it's paired with near neighbours on the colour wheel,

or dominating through sheer force,

it's a colour that just brings me joy.

It can be tinted and darkened,

mixed in with a host of other colours,

or part of  a high key piece;

 it just says energy and pizzazz to me.

 I love it for the range from cool to hot,

and for the 'thumbing my nose at you' intensity.

It truly says most of what I want to say, and so quietly too.  😉😉😉

Do you have a colour that really sings for you?  Share a link in the comments below to let us see some of your favourites!


  1. Well, these certainly sing - a pretty loud song too - lol. Although I like all colours I think I am partial to a blueish mix of ultramarine and burnt sienna. No link as I don't know how to do one of a photo.

    1. So true, Val - red is a pretty loud colour most times. I'm not sure you can even link a photo, but we'd welcome a link here to a blog post of yours that contains the colour!

  2. Your colour red gives out a lot of energy!

    1. Doesn't it? It just makes me want to get right at it!

  3. love all your art, your red art, that is. yeah, purple is my color that i love love love!! but, i do love red too, so this was fun for me!!

  4. Your red pieces are terrific - all of them!
    Red is such a strong colour -
    I love all colors - can't decide single favourites - for many years I always just loved the blue and greens together , but there are so many wonderful warm colors as well and I think every is beautiful in her own way and they are unique and all the combinations are so interesting ... a bit like humans!
    Color is LIFE!

    oxo Susi

    1. Many thanks, Susi, and I'm with you on the whole colour thing. Sara Genn says that 'having a favourite colour is like having a favourite lung', and I'm definitely with her on that. All the crayons in the box for me - whether arting or peopling!

    2. ♥♥♥
      I see you think like I do!

    3. Absolutely! ♥♥♥

  5. Many thanks, Rose, and I am now doubly glad there were pops of purple in some of these pieces! :D

  6. Such a fabulous vibrant amazing array of red creations.
    Hugs June x

    1. Many thanks, June, and thanks for stopping to say hello. Loved seeing you here and popping by your blogs!

  7. I'm with you all the way on this one, Win. I'm a quiet, introverted person, so red is my drama :)
    Hope the sorting is going well. When are you actually on the move?

    1. And drama with colour is definitely the best thing for an introvert, right? We can splash all about with the drama thing and do so in our pjs from our quiet corner. The sorting is going well; we're expecting to have our place up for sale by the first of March, with purchase of a new place contingent on that, so soon hopefully. I'm excited about it all!

  8. You are right Win there is nothing like red and with black it's stunning. thanks for sharing all these great pieces with us, Angela xXx

    1. Agreed, Angela, and red makes every other colour look its best too, methinks!

  9. I Love all your fabulous creations in beautiful shades of red and I am so with you my friend give me red, red, red my favorite rich red sienna a touch of orange and a touch of brown...yummy.

    1. Thank you, Deann - your reds always make my heart sing no matter what you pair them with. You're the master of redology! ;-)

  10. You know me Win...I am just an all around color piggy!
    Squeeee at the beautiful photos you share!
    Jackie xo

    1. Thanks, Jackie...colour piggy twins, right?! :D xo

  11. What a wonderful collection of red, Win and well in time for Valentine's day! I must say, I have a love/hate relationship with red - I tend to like the deeper shades, like in your second photo - and I find the brighter shades a bit too loud and aggressive but of course I can imagine projects that would be perfect for those tones as well! I LOVE that box!

    1. Thanks, Zsuzsa...glad you enjoyed the variety of reds. That box was an experiment with fabric stiffener, dryer sheets, beads, Pebeo Cerne Relief and a thrift store square vase...much fun to do, and now part of my own decor.

  12. Wow! Are all of those your creations? So much cool art! I'm really loving the shoe and the torn flowers. So pretty :)

  13. Yes, they are, Sal, and thanks! I have a huge love affair going on with colour, I think. :D


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