Saturday 9 December 2017

It's a different kind...

...of creativity in the house right now, with Christmas baking at the top of the list.

It's obvious to me that the damaged Nanaimo Bar on the centre right must be eaten immediately so as to make any future photos of this plate look more elegant.  While I take care of that, you can check out the rest of the post.

Of course, being back from Linkland, I had to have some friends over to play - this is what the studio looked like before 9 am.  We had all the makings for a mini accordion book and tore right into it. 

Naturally, it got progressively wilder.  Linda (below left) wondered why all the photos of my playmates' faces appear so glum when they are having such a great time.  Of course, this is the only full photo I got of her.

Gay, below, had her happy face on for this one,

 as did Lynne.  Love the hands-on-hips-ready-to-speak-her-piece stance!

Lynne's mini accordion book is well on the way here, and looking delightfully full of geckos and butterflies!

Gay's book incorporates butterflies as well, accompanied by some dragonflies...are we seeking summer?

 Linda's book had a host of birds, carrying on the nature theme.

Mine had a Parisian fashion theme, so I fulfilled my mandate for being odd and what-the-heck unusual.

Lynne brought me this fabulous card in celebration of my new and very important status:

 the kicker inside just cracked me up!

I hope you're getting ready for Christmas and avoiding the stress that over-prep can create.  Tell me all about it in the comments below, will you?


  1. Your books look like so much fun, Win - a great day from the results!

    1. They were lots of fun, Val, and I especially loved seeing how everyone else tackled the project - so inspiring!

  2. Wow... you all had fun and made fabulous accordion books - thank you for sharing the photos!
    But the star of the post is this plate with the cookies.... oh boy I would give a lot for taking some of those right now!
    Happy time before Christmas Win Dinn!
    oxo Susi

    1. Don't you just LOVE this time of the year for all the excess of baked goods?! I'll be ten pounds heavier and a lot happier by the time Christmas arrives. :D

  3. Replies
    1. They're really fun to do, Eileen, and much simpler than it looks!

  4. What fun you've been having Win and the buns look scrummy too. Happy crafty weekend, Angela xXx

    1. What could be better than arting around and cookies? Not much, methinks, Angela!

  5. Ah, yes, the baking kind of creativity. Love it. I find it to be a great de-stresser, so I'm doing a lot of it at the moment. And of course, for aesthetic purposes, you must eat the broken one :)

    What a lovely range of books you all made. Love the little gecko - I found one just outside our back door the other evening. Sometimes they even pop up inside the house, and then our daughter gently picks them up and finds a more suitable home for them.

    I'm thinking there may not often be smiling faces because of the concentration. I'm sure, though I'm enjoying myself immensely, my face is screwed up or frowning as I create!

    1. That broken Nanaimo Bar is now delightfully gone; job done! :D

      The books were fun, and although we don't have geckos here, I love seeing them when I travel - delightful little fellows!

      And yes, we call had a laugh over the intense faces as we worked diligently at our books - and of course nobody every takes a photo in the midst of the laughter that evolves when one is working in a group like this...the giggles take over!

  6. More good times in your fabulous studio. Lovely according books. Would love to see the inside pages of yours.
    Your baking is putting me to shame, but I just may be able to out decorate you! xox

    1. We certainly had a good time, Alice, and the finished books are darn cute! I'll need to do another post about my finished ones (3 this week) since I forgot to take photos before I tied them all up. And out-decorate me? Most certainly you can - with your eyes closed and in a trance. You'd put the Rockefeller Centre to shame, my friend.

    2. You're too kind - but decorating gives me such a thrill - any season any event and if I can dress to match so much the better!

    3. I have fond memories of your gorgeous peacock tree - an outstanding bit of Christmas if ever I saw it! xo

  7. You and your friends always have such fun!!Thanks for sharing the photos! I do hope you won't be moving too far from them "(

    Next post...please name the cookies above , I might need a recipe or two! heehee
    Love ya,Jackie xx

    1. We do indeed, Jackie, and we're staying in the area, so I'm hoping that play continues apace.

      Christmas baking, starting from top right centre and heading clockwise: ginger cookies, Nanaimo Bars (very Canadian -, mincemeat tarts, almond rocca (aka Christmas Crack for the addictive properties), oatmeal raisin cookie sitting atop the second tart, and underneath the rocca on right centre are some butter tart bars. Pies to come, of course, and this photo didn't show the Nuts & Bolts that are also part of our yearly celebration. Recipes gladly provided! :D xoxox

  8. Mercy Winn your Christmas goodies are even more beautiful then your artwork. And I think you are right that Nanaimo Bar does look like it should be eaten. I have never heard of said bars but they look delicious, as does everything else on the plate. (I see the recipe link on your post above so I'm on my way) This is what I need more vices.
    I am torn trying to decide whether to make all the traditional candies that I usually do eat and give away, or give everyone's arteries a break and give something else. I can't just pick one or two because everyone in the family has their favorite, so it's all or nothing. (such a tragic problem)
    Enjoy your holidays and have a wonderful time creating masterpieces out of flour, butter and sugar or paper and paint.

    1. Many thanks, Deann - it's hard to stop when it comes to Christmas baking - I love it all (although my waistline is prone to complaint by Jan 1). Do try the Nanaimo Bars - it's a vice worth having. :D

      You make candies? Brave woman, you -what kind?

      Can I combine all four? Think what one could do with cookie dough and paint on a brush (edible, of course!). xo

    2. I have tried just about everything once (Candies I mean) I make fudge, caramels, killer peanut brittle & toffee, I used to make a bunch more but now that my kids have to watch their weight too I've cut way back.
      I have a recipe for cookie paint if you want it. I tried it once a long time ago but it goes on sugar cookies and my family isn't too big on those so it wasn't a big hit.
      Anyway bake on my friend and have a wonderful time.

    3. We are definitely kindred spirits, Deann - trying everything at least once (and sometime to the point of craziness!). Really, baking is so much fun that it's hard to stop. I'm with your family on sugar cookies, though - not a favourite here either!

  9. That looks like a fun art day! Nanaimo bars used to be my fave. I can see why it had to be eaten first, lol. I miss them so much!

    1. It was great - shall I save a Nanaimo Bar for you? We have lots!! :D

  10. Your Christmas baking is GORGEOUS Win. I don't recognize anything on your plate but if I was there - I would have to sample all!!! It just looks sooooo YUMMY. No one here bakes any more so I am licking my lips as I type!!!! And wow - your little books are so fun. Each of you did it so different but every one of them just looks delightful. And what a SUPER card - eheheheh!! You have great friends. So glad you are home but I know from experience - you are missing the touch of that soft skin and cuddling your sweet addition. Congrats again!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS dear inspiring friend. Xj.

    1. Thanks, Joi - I get as much fun out of throwing flour around as I do when I paint (AND I get to eat it!).

      The books were a blast, and I get a charge out of the tiny sizes and the way that every one of them is so uniquely personal.

      You know I'm looking forward to more Link time, so bring on Christmas. May you and yours have a merry one as well! xo

  11. Hmm, you made me hungry! Lovely activities and I'm always happy to see Lynne in your posts - she always makes me smile!

    1. It's wonderful that Lynne just lives down the road - it makes is possible to play together occasionally! Can't beat that for fun. :D


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