more workshops. It's what I love to do, and I'm getting a good number of opportunities these days to do just that. We're near to finishing this year's Colour Boot Camp and the students are groaning with the amount of (luscious, mouth-watering, colourful, delicious) work involved. Today we did an exercise that had them excited with possibilities. Who would have thought that creating a harmony of discordant colour would enthuse the troops? I'll be posting some photos after our last class on April 25 so you can see why.
I'm also doing a workshop for the local Farmers' Market here in Creston at the
College of the Rockies. This workshop is designed to address the challenges of creating a display that captures attention in a market setting.
Creative Display Design and Marketing Saturday, April 21, 2012 9 am to noon College of the Rockies, Creston Campus
Slated for April 21 from 9 am to noon, we'll discuss display principals, design standards, common display errors and even a bit of 'boothmanship' to make your sales days more profitable. You'll find out what works, why it does, and what can turn your potential customers away from your area quicker than a wink.
If you're considering marketing your work at
any market this year, you may want to consider this inexpensive ($10.00 per person) workshop and get a head start on the competition. Call 250-428-5332 or email to register. How could you lose?
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