Thursday, 3 January 2019

2019... definitely something to Celebrate!  And if that's not a large enough clue for my word of the year, let me show you some photos...


It's a word that has been coming up for me since mid-October making its celebratory way into my psyche, and letting me know that it's something I neglect.  So 2019, I'm celebrating you, my family, my friends, a creative life, the beauty in the world, colour, pattern, texture, line, mediums (mixed or not ☺️), opportunities, travel, and much, much more.  I'm grateful for every chance to do so.  Thank you, Universe - more please!


  1. Lovely reminder cards. The green one is my favourite. Let's Celebrate!

    1. Thanks, Eileen - I just know that we're going to have a tremendous amount to celebrate in 2019!

  2. There is a lot to celebrate in this world and it is better for us than moaning about those 'other' things! A wonderful start to the new year Win.

    1. I am SO with you on this, Val - and I'm certainly going to use this word to keep my focus on the positive side of things. We are most fortunate in where and how we live, aren't we?!

  3. Well, you certainly won't forget your word with all those wonderful reminders!
    Celebrating even the small things is so important, and also celebrating when other people have wins.
    I especially like that second one - a gelli-print?

    1. Absolutely correct, Tracy - gel print it is! And I'm pretty sure this word is going to be just as happy for me as pronoia was for just makes me smile to think of celebrating everything in life.

  4. Celebrate is so your kind of word Winn, you don't just listen to the music you dance to it. Just like your pictures you don't just settle for one you celebrate in 12 different way using all the colours, patterns, textures, lines, mediums designs, shapes and fonts. You go girl I hope 2019 is your best celebration ever.
    In the mean time I will be trying to get my gimpy legs back in shape so I can dance with May the universe give up it's treasure to you...HAPPY 2019...CELEBRATE!

    1. Oh thanks so much Deann - you must have been peeking in the kitchen window this morning to see that happy dance. :D I am wishing you great success with getting those dancing legs back in shape so you can join me in the kitchen! xo

  5. That's an AMAZING word - to celebrate life is the most importing things of all and I LOVE this beautiful cards!
    Wishing you a creative, healthy and joyous 2019 dear friend!

    All the best and I am looking forward to CELEBRATE with you!

    Hugs, Susi

    1. Thanks so much, Susi - the word just makes me happy, so I KNOW it's going to be a banner year. I'm delighted to have you celebrating along with me!

  6. Hi Win, I'm celebrating the end of 2018 as it's not been a good year for myself, family and friends but sure this year will be better. I would also like to celebrate our friendship as you are one of my most supportive friends and I am blessed to have you. Big hugs and Happy New Creative Year, Angela xXx

    1. Angela, that's a lovely thing to say - right back atcha, my friend. I know that 2018 has been a challenge for you in so many ways; may 2019 be YOUR year! Sending hugs for a warm start!

  7. Keep celebrating, Win!!!!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR, my friend.

    1. Absolutely, Mia, and Happy New Year to you and yours as well!

  8. A wonderful word to start your year off with Win. Love the variety and colors you've created here. Here's to a year of celebration!

    1. Thanks, Laura - this is a word (and year) that I'm truly going to enjoy!

  9. What a great way to kick off the year, Win - I find this very inspiring and encouraging and I will celebrate along with you - your optimism is contagious!

    1. Thanks, Zsuzsa - I'm thinking that this is going to be a great word to take 2019 to the top of the pop charts!

  10. Win, your posts always make me smile! xoxo

    1. Well, what a coincidence, Jackie - your posts, and your being do exactly the same for me. Ear to ear here, my friend. xo


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